My grandfathers mother lived next to his mother and we were told of the storys on where some was at. The story may have begun because Pierre Lafittes mistress owned a building on St. Phillip Street across from todays Blacksmith Shop. times as a smuggler and privateer, he became very wealthy. ), privateer and smuggler who interrupted his illicit adventures to fight heroically for the United States in defense of New Orleans in the War of 1812. Instead, Lafitte told Governor Claiborne of the planned attack and offered his help. If you were thoroughly acquainted with the nature of my offenses, I should appear to you much less guilty, and still worthy to discharge the duties of a good citizen. $130,000 of Jean Lafitte's treasure is thought to be buried near Bolivar Point. 1417 Harborside Drive. On November 10, 1812, United States District Attorney John R. Grymes charged Lafitte with "violation of the revenue law. Details: $10; [75] Lafitte interviewed all newcomers and required them to take an oath of loyalty to him. Lafitte was later The judge ruled that Patterson should get the customary share of profits from the goods that had already been sold, but he did not settle the ownership of the ships. He was accompanied by six gunboats and a tender. (Ramsay (1996), pp. The second item was a personal note to Lafitte from McWilliam's superior, Lieutenant Colonel Edward Nicolls, urging him to accept the offer.[47]. [10] Davis places Lafitte's brother Pierre in Saint-Domingue by the late 1790s and the early 19th century. Widely publicized, the raid was hailed by the Niles' Weekly Register as "a major conquest for the United States". games, shows, and moviesbut what if they werent made up just for the sake of The man also owned documents claiming Lafi tte lived until the 1850s and was buried in Alton, Illinois. New Orleans On this occasion Lafitte's ship had been in dire danger of attack as he prepared to enter the Calcasieu Pass, for he found that the New Orleans revenue cutter "Lynx" was engaged in antislaving patrols between him and the mouth of . Where: 1859 Ashton Villa, 2328 Broadway Ave. J, Galveston. Families with the surname Lafitte have been found in Louisiana documents dating as early as 1765. He was so wealthy that he built his own secret smugglers colony on the islands south of New Orleans. Louisiana State University alumnus (Geaux Tigers), fanatic of all things sports, pugs, and Star Wars, and teller of the occasional dad joke. . Let us know in the comments Like a little wooden barrel. However, the United States did not recognize the government of Cartagena as a legal one and U.S. offi cials suspected Lafittes men of attacking any ships they saw, and so the U.S. government charged Lafitte and his crew with piracy. After securing victory, Jackson paid tribute in despatches to the Laffite brothers' efforts, as well as those of their fellow privateers. His treasure [8], Biographer William C. Davis suggests a different childhood for Lafitte. Lafitte's men identified slave ships and captured them. Lafitte was granted a commission and given a new ship, a 43-ton schooner named General Santander in honor to Vice-President General Francisco de Paula Santander. [11] This was the last year that Napoleon failed to regain control of Saint-Domingue. He was given a burial at sea in the Gulf Of Honduras and speculation about the whereabouts of his treasure hoard has . Later United States President James Madison pardoned him and his men for their acts of piracy. #1. For the first time, it was made available for research. His life and death remain as mysterious as the swamps and bayous of Barataria. The park was given the mission of preserving the natural and cultural resources of Louisianas Mississippi River delta region. [102] Ramsay believes that over time, almost "every foot of Grande Isle has been spaded for pirate gold". In later years, he was described as having "a more accurate knowledge of every inlet from the Gulf than any other man". [57], In mid-December, Jackson met with Lafitte, who offered to serve if the US would pardon those of his men who agreed to defend the city. Jean Lafitte is said to have cached over 100 treasures on Galveston Island. [52], a man who, for about two years past, has been famous for crimes that the civilized world wars against. [27], Governor William C.C. Laffite is believed to have been born either in Basque-France or the French colony of Saint-Domingue in the Caribbean. The men working for Lafitte were called Baratarians because the waterways they used for smuggling were located in an area called Barataria (the Barataria Preserve of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve is located in this area). Thus, on August 13, 1814, Captain Nicholas Lockyer of the British ship Sophie sailed on that mission. Jean Lafitte was also offered a position in the British Royal Navy as a captain. [44], McWilliam brought two letters in his packet for Lafitte: one, under the seal of King George III, offered Lafitte and his forces British citizenship and land grants in the British colonies in the Americas (by then, these consisted of islands in the Caribbean and territory in Upper and Lower Canada). LA [7] His elder brother Pierre became a privateer; he may have operated from Saint-Domingue, which frequently issued letters of marque. . In 1817, Jean founded a new colony on Galveston Island named Campeche. During the battle Lafitte fought well. [101] In 1909, a man was given a six-year prison sentence for fraud after swindling thousands of dollars from people, by claiming that he knew where the Lafitte treasure was buried and taking their money for the promise to find it.[103]. [50], Lafitte committed himself and his men for any defensive measures needed by New Orleans. By 1810, their new port had become very successful; the Laffites had a profitable smuggling operation and also started to engage in piracy. (In English documents, his last name was often spelled Lafitte, but Laffite was the spelling used by Jean and his brother Pierre.) Over the next few months, the British Navy increased patrols in the Gulf of Mexico, and by August they had established a base at Pensacola. . It was stuck in the crack of the stairs. . But remember Lafittes black dogs are still around dont go a hunting unless you are prepared to suffer the consequences. I always heard that an area Boat Company Owner started his business with a 5 gallon bucket of silver taken from that area. [5][12] He was known to adopt more aristocratic mannerisms and dress than most of his fellow privateers. From Pirates to shipwrecks along its coastline to its history of explorers it's no wonder that Florida has lost treasure to be found. The slave smuggling business expanded in 1809 when Jean joined his brother in the Crescent City and the two found a new source of enslaved people: French privateers commissioned to attack Britain . Learn Cajun traditions from people who live them. In 1948, John Andrechyne Laflin approached the Missouri Historical Society with a French-language manuscript he claimed was a journal Lafitte kept from 1845 until 1850. goal to once again evade U.S. seizure and to come back to it later. At this time an English captain offered Lafitte $30,000 and a commission to help the British attack New Orleans. Registration for Pierre Lafitte's ship Goelette la Dilidente,a 136 ton schooner, captained by . Christina died after the birth of their daughter. Jean Lafitte spent most of his time in Barataria managing the daily hands-on business of outfitting privateers and arranging the smuggling of stolen goods. Jean Lafitte Sale of the slaves and additional cargo generated $18,000 in profits. Within a short period, Lafitte's men abandoned their ships, set several on fire, and fled the area. Josh Gates investigates the legends swirling around the storied life and death of French pirate Jean Lafitte who is reputed to have buried treasure at sites in coastal Louisiana. "Finding out who Lafitte really was," Cody Hix said. unclear why Lafitte had to bury his treasure or even where he was last seen. Charles Gayarre wrote the first serious biography of Lafitte. A number of details about Jean Lafitte's early life remain obscure and often sources contradict each other. Lafitte proved an invaluable ally for the United States in the War of 1812 and the 1815 Battle of New Orleans, assisting General Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) to victory against the British. There are many stories about famed pirate Jean Lafitte, but one places his lost buried treasure at the bottom of a lake right here in East Texas. They were held in port under custody of the United States Marshal. Radford, Victor and the Pirate: A Story of New Orleans During the War of 1812, Childcraft (Vol. He wrote Jean Laffitte: Gentleman Rover based on the journal. Around the same time it became illegal to bring slaves from Africa into Louisiana; it later became illegal to import slaves into the rest of the United States. That was more of his commerce center, again where he exchanged merchandise for coin. Is his last name spelled Lafi tte or Laffi te? In April 1818, the United States passed a law prohibiting the import of slaves into any port in the United States. He heads off to a plantation (as a legend says that . What: Lecture and book signing. Jean Lafitte was likely born in 1782, although he was not baptized until 1786. there were treasure legends, and the most common story is that Lafitte stranded a ship, a Spanish ship with gold, in Matagorda Bay in Corpus and was taking it to St. Louis on some wagon trains over roads that don . To the north of Tatum, in the middle of the forest, lies Lake Hendrix. Mention the name "Jean Lafitte" to people of a certain age and they will immediately think of Cap'n Crunch cereal and its mascot and namesake, whose ship, the SS Guppy, was often attacked in commercials by Jean Lafoote, the Barefoot Pirate.Unlike in real life, Lafoote's punishment was to get his own breakfast cereal -- Jean LaFoote's Cinnamon Crunch. And whether it's a pirate's ship or not, they hope it's a clue to their ultimate treasure. . [48] Lafitte had copies of the letters sent to Jean Blanque, a member of the state legislature who had invested in the Barataria operation. Is the image on this article what the actual chest looked like? You'll need to arrive by 5:30pm and bring your ID plus there is a $3.00 USD boarding fee. It's not known who her father was. Later, in return for a legal pardon, Laffite and his fleet helped General Andrew Jackson during the Battle of New Orleans to defend the city during the War of 1812. During his life he acted as a soldier, sailor, diplomat, merchant, and much more, demonstrating natural gifts for leadership.[14]. A mysterious shipwreck is capturing imaginations as a team of researchers sift through the remnants of an early 19th-century vessel located 150 miles off the Galveston Island coast..