The commitment identifies short investments that reflect diverse investment opportunities and needs in the Southeast Region. Targets for biofuels production from a Renewable Fuels Standard may mean that increased amounts of biomass would be dedicated to meet the needs of that program, if the trend away from corn-based ethanol persists and gasoline demand increases. The Renewable Fuels Program requires increased use of renewable fuels every year through 2012. 65. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. The sensitivity of the estimates with regard to truck fuel prices is unknown. A OneUSDA team comprised of theForest Service, Rural Development, and Natural Resources Conservation Service engaged Southeast Alaska partners, communities, Tribal Nations and Alaska Nativecorporations in a process that reflects the immediate and long-term needs and opportunities in the region. RE-Source Southeast Hub is a regional platform for cooperation between renewable energy producers and energy consumers.. Tribal and Indigenous Interests - $12.5 million, Community Capacity - $3.125 million (12.5%), Resilient Peoples & Place: When a time for peace is facilitated through partnership, Creating a Tribal Restoration Workforce - Fish Alaska Magazine, Forest Service to start improvements on Wrangell blueberry lands next spring - Wrangell Sentinel, Biden-Harris Administration Invests More Than $37 Million to Improve Recreational Sites and Cabins on National Forests and Grasslands | USDA, The SalmonState: Bringing the sockeye home | Juneau Empire, Local priorities and USDA funding strategies meet up in Southeast Alaska High Country News Know the West (, Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategys webpage, Guiding Recommendations & Potential Long-Term Investments, Initial Investment and Recommendations Summary, Traditional Technical Knowledge and Cultural Use of Forest Products. The Southeast is one of the country's fastest growing economic sectors and one of the only regions without a competitive wholesale electricity market. The American Clean Energy & Security Act of 2009 "discussion draft" introduced by Representatives Waxman and Markey draws upon H.R. An official website of the United States government. These investments speak to the opportunities for partnershipthis isnt the first time USDA has invested in southeast Alaska, and it wont be the last, Under Secretary for Rural Development Xochitl Torres Small said. They are finishing up installing a solar panel array at the Aurora Apartments to help offset electrical demand in certain buildings. Planning for biomass resources that fails to consider competing uses, may have unintended economic, ecological and environmental consequences. We are a nonpartisan climate policy think tank helping policymakers make informed energy policy choices and accelerate clean energy by supporting the policies that most effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Access to the resource is critical to a facility's economic feasibility. A "Renewable Electricity Deployment Fund," proposed in H.R. This resource potential represents the theoretical, upper bound of renewable energy resource available at a given locationnot considering technical or economic constraints to development (such as land-use constraints). Confederation of European Paper Industries, Bio-energy and the European Pulp and Paper Industry. In addition to looking at replacing generation with wind or solar, Energy Innovation looked at pairing local solar resources with battery storage to replace some or all of the capacity of each coal plant without costing more than the continued operation of the plant. to support a diverse economy, enhancecommunity resilience, and conserve natural resources in Southeast Alaska. Manufacturing, industry and services expanded across the region in recent decades. With biomass representing the most widely used (and ostensibly the least expensive) renewable energy resource in the United States, its potential use in meeting RES requirements is key to the success of any RES that may be enacted. Energy demand also grew an average of 6% per year, one of the fastest growth rates in the world. Feed-in Tariffs are incentive structures for generating renewable electricity usually at above-market rates for a set number of years, reducing the payback period and adding certainty to the return on the investment. Recently, Duke and Southern confirmed they are considering a centralized, region-wide, intra-hour energy exchange called the Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM). These states have ample forest resources, generally poor wind resources, and relatively unfavorable solar resources (compared to the Southwest), making biomass among the more readily available renewable energy resources in the region. Relatively low electricity prices have thus resulted in the region.22 New, renewable energy technologies have not been adopted to the extent seen in other regions of the United States thus far, largely because of cost and operational variability.23 When considered from a regional perspective, the southeastern United States does not have the high quality wind and solar resources which exist in other regions of the country.24 Although offshore wind in the region may have promise for southeastern coastal states, there are no commercially operating offshore wind farms anywhere in the United States. U.S. Energy Consumption by Energy Source. 709 W. 9th Street Biomass Power Association (BPA). Near-term potential for renewable energy resources: energy crops (22%); forest residues (18%); crop residues (11%); urban wood residues (6%); biogas (landfills2%; livestock manure1%). A companion policy report to the Southeast modeling highlights successful state policies smoothing the clean energy transition for coal-dependent communities in Colorado and New Mexico, which could be a valuable model for the Southeast. Click on a state or scroll down to access relevant conservation resources and state-specific climate change information. Out of the seven states included in the model, only North Carolina has a meaningful renewable portfolio standard. Cellulosic ethanol can be produced from the same types of biomass feedstock as could be used for biomass electric power generation. Because every Southeastern coal-fired power plant is unable to compete in an open market scenario, PM 2.5 pollution - one of the most damaging pollutants for human health - drops to near zero by 2040 along with other harmful pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides. Ending large-scale old-growth timber sales on the. Transportation costs associated with biomass will bear strongly on the decision to site a biomass power facility. Introducing a Southeast regional competitive market that optimizes regional transmission and shares resources (key features of other RTOs) would save $384 billion dollars with approximately $17.4 billion average yearly savings through 2040 - 23% lower electricity costs compared to today. At least 29 U.S. states have set renewable portfolio standardspolicies that mandate a certain percentage of energy from renewable sources, More than 100 cities worldwide now boast at least 70 . Virginia has a statewide program to convert coal plants to biomass, with several plants that converted during 2013. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) called the RES a "moving target." The costs of delivered biomass fell into an estimated range of $1.66 to $2.01 per thousand BTUs, which was seen as competitive with coal energy costs for power generation. SCCO An online data explorer allows users to compare scenarios and understand state-level impacts: By contrast, current utility plans add virtually no wind or storage, only 21 GW of additional solar by 2040, maintain existing coal, and drastically expand gas generation. Other technologies, such as "open-loop" biomass, incremental hydropower, small irrigation systems, landfill gas, and municipal solid waste (MSW), receive a lesser value tax credit. This included virtual Open Houses, an online feedback tool, an information-filled website, and a dedicated email address for submitting input, letters, and/or existing plans or specific investment proposals. corporations in a process that reflects the immediate and long-term needs and opportunities in the region. The resultant gas is then used to provide heat for electric power generation. Approximately 53% of all domestic renewable energy comes from biomass sources3 represented by biofuels, landfill gas, biogenic4 municipal solid waste, wood and wood-derived fuels, and other biomass such as switchgrass. From mobilizing over $7 billion in renewable energy investments to facilitating nearly 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy capacity (enough to power roughly 8 million homes), the United States Government's Clean Power Asia program is making Southeast Asia cleaner and greener. Alaska Project Supports President Bidens Energy Goals, Baytex/Ranger Oil Combination First Of Its Kind In Almost A Year, International Energy Week Is A Lesson In Cognitive Dissonance. Renewable Portfolio Standards. Community Capacity total commitment of $3.125 million, which includes about $1.7 million for five projects announced today. renewable energy, also called alternative energy, usable energy derived from replenishable sources such as the Sun ( solar energy ), wind ( wind power ), rivers ( hydroelectric power ), hot springs ( geothermal energy ), tides ( tidal power ), and biomass ( biofuels ). Lets dive in to see what this Coal Cost Crossover analysis can tell us about coal plants in the Southeast. Biomass has been characterized by advocates for an RES in the Southeast (i.e., Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia) as the region's main renewable resource which could be used to meet a standard. Increasing electricity generated from biomass sources may be a viable route for compliance with RES requirements nationally, especially as biomass is already the largest source of renewable energy in the United States today. Notably, in the Southeast where wind resources are often dismissed, local wind was found to be less expensive than 30% of all Southeast coal plants and regional wind was found to be less expensive than 84% of all Southeast coal plants. Federal funding from recent and proposed legislation, like the Great America Outdoors Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, and other agency appropriations, can likely fund many of the investment ideas that were not quite ready for short-term support. Rn?Q&i( =ET/v,yb9j1xZiKM_at$qJ{Dgny? Joint Press Release - USDA, Sustainble Southeast Partnership, Spruce Root, Southeast Conference, and Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. 45, According to SACE's analysis, biomass is potentially seen as meeting 60% of a near-term RES goal of 15% of all generation in the Southeast (by the year 2015). While a fully restructured, organized market would take time to establish, the companion policy report recommends ways state legislatures and public utility commissions can introduce competitive behavior in advance of a traditional RTO/ISO. Bioenergy and Biomass Frequently Asked Questions. Sustainable management of forest resources is a basic consideration. Nepal has achieved 78 per cent of energy access, while Bangladesh achieved 95 per cent of energy access. USDA Forest Service photo., 202-628-6500. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. "Our research suggests we certainly have sufficient resources." To understand geography . These recovery and biomass boilers are responsible for most of the energy generated by the forest products (biomass) sector, either as steam heat for process uses, or electricity generated for on-site use. Ibid. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Under RES proposals, most producers of renewable electricity will receive renewable energy credits or certificates to prove that a certain amount of renewable electricity was produced (usually 1 Megawatt-hour). Denver , CO , United States.   U.S. Energy Project in Southeast Asia Increased Renewable Energy Investments by $7 Billion, USAID and FHI 360 join PMAC to enhance data integration in decision-making at the climate-health nexus, United States Launches SERVIR-Southeast Asia, a USAID-NASA Initiative to Fight Climate Change, USAID Smart Infrastructure for the Mekong Program Restores Fish Passage Across the Mekong, USAID, DNP, and WildAid Launch Media Campaign to End Demand for Ivory Products. Introducing a Southeast regional competitive market that optimizes regional transmission and shares resources (key features of other RTOs) would save $384 billion dollars with approximately. By blending suitable biomass into coal boilers for steam generation, "co-firing" with biomass can reduce the amounts of coal used by as much as 20%. Approximately 16 mills have closed in the Southeast between 2004 and 2007. The provisions of such a lawincluding definition of eligible biomass resources, price incentives for renewable electricity, and tax treatmentwould all affect the economic viability of possible projects and could affect demand for biomass resources. But this modest proposal appears to extend rather than limit utilities power to retain expensive coal generation, ignoring billions in annual savings. Overall outcomes anticipated include stronger relationships with Tribal Nations, Alaska Native corporations, and municipal governments; inclusive, diverse engagements that represent the people, communities, and cultures of Southeast Alaska; an understanding of administrative barriers that continue to impact funding distribution and may include changes to policies, laws, and regulations; and be able to use input gained from engagements to determine short- and long-term investments for the region. 26 These definitions have varied over time with changes in the law and regulations, reflecting policy goals and technological change. After 2012, renewable fuel use is required to grow in volume as gasoline demand grows. The results are clear: continued reliance on coal is expensive, and each of these plants should be evaluated for economic retirement through a comprehensive resource and transmission planning process. Because China's solar and wind energy resources are rich in northwest region, and the electricity load center is concentrated in the southeast region, the imbalance between the resource and demand intensifies the contradiction of renewable energy generation and grid operation. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Collaborated with Thailands Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission to develop regulations and technical standards to ensure the safety and performance of battery energy storage systems. We look to be part of an inclusive, responsive approach that complements existing efforts toward practical, common-sense solutions. A dozen or so moderate and conservative committee Democrats want to lower the target. In Southeast Asia, the Philippines is one of the countries most dependent on fossil fuels,. Renewable energy is seen as a way to reduce fossil fuel use and, with growing awareness of the potential impacts of climate change, the role of renewable energy in reducing CO2 emissions from energy production has garnered increasing public support. Through February 2009, RPS requirements or goals have been established in 29 states plus the District of Columbia.9, A major argument that has been advanced for a national renewable energy (or electricity) standard is that it would encourage increased use of renewable energy. Competition alone, however, will not achieve the rapid electricity sector decarbonization needed to avoid climate changes worst impacts. From 2016 to 2021, USAIDs $16.3 million Clean Power Asia program also: For the past five years, USAID Clean Power Asia has been working with Lower Mekong countries and other Southeast Asian nations to encourage power sector investments in environmentally friendly, clean energy sources, focusing on incorporating renewable energy into planning, promoting smart incentives, building an enabling environment for renewable energy policies, and mobilizing finance. But customers across the Southeast are still beholden to vertically-integrated utilities that own every aspect of electricity generation, transmission, and delivery. PO Box 1842Knoxville, TN 37901865.637.6055, Maggie Shober works to speed the clean energy transformation in the Southeast through analysis and advocacy. Without additional details, SEEM fails to address many of the efficiencies of full RTO integration modeled in this study like reserve sharing, transmission optimization, regional economic dispatch, independent system operation and market monitoring, and market access for independent power producers. "The Economic Availability of Biomass in the Southeastern United States," by T. Young, D. Ostermeier, J. Thomas, R. Brooks. 29 Inorganic chemicals are used to dissolve the lignin holding together wood fibers, thus making the cellulosic fibers available for the manufacture of paper products. Worked with the Government of Laos to support the countrys first-ever solar auction, from auction design to submission of the final auction announcement package. New research from Energy Innovation and Vibrant Clean Energy shows establishing a competitive wholesale electricity market across seven Southeastern states could save $384 billion and create more than 400,000 clean energy jobs, jump-starting an economy slowed by COVID-19 and dramatically reducing harmful air pollution. Much of the Southeast region's biomass electricity capacity comes from existing forest products cogeneration facilities which would not qualify for tradable RECs under the RPS proposal floated by Senator Bingaman.54 The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) is concerned that if this option is followed, a financial advantage could be given to new biomass energy generators at the expense of its member companies because of the added value of tradable RECs.55 Forest products companies are the primary users of biomass for manufacturing purposes. The legislation also calls for building 450 megawatts of renewable capacity in the county to help replace lost tax revenue from closing coal operations. In these states, most renewable energy projects are utility-owned. The alkaline spent liquor from the digesters in the production of sulfate or soda pulp during the manufacture of paper. In the short time since the Secretarys announcement, over 270 investment proposals were received totaling more than $276 million. Major benefits for public health and the climate. Wave, tidal energy, and ocean thermal energy conversion could be tapped, to provide alternative sources of clean and dependable energy in the region. Not only are there immediate investments that will benefit the region, but there is also an eye toward the future with support for capacity building and technical assistance that will make these projects sustainable.. VCEs WIS:dom model also incorporates electricity distribution infrastructure savings from deploying distributed storage and solar resources. The region is committed to renewable energy and integrating sustainable practices into legacy industries. Coal-fired power plants are major sources of toxic air pollution, so phasing out uneconomic coal dramatically improves air quality. For additional information, see the discussion of these tax credits in the federal incentives section of the Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy website at The inorganic chemicals are recovered in a "recovery boiler" and reconstituted for reuse, while the organic lignin is burned, generating heat for steam production. Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.), one of the panel's more liberal members, said there should be "flexibility" to address regional issues but warned against watering down either the bill's emissions or renewable energy targets. Also called "combined heat and power." In regions where the quality or availability of renewable resources may be in question, as for example, in the Southeast,19 some states are concerned that the current RES proposals would subject them to federal penalties. However, the regions major user of woody biomass and producer of wood wastes is the forest products industry. Presentation on behalf of She has expertise in renewable energy, energy efficiency, coal retirements, energy market modeling, and, Copyright 2023 / Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. 26 USC 45. Investments in energy production in the southeastern United States have long favored base load technologies due to increasing economies of scale from large generation units. A competitive RTO would add 149 total gigawatts of clean energy resources in the Southeast including 62 GW of solar, 41 GW of wind, and 46 GW of battery storage. Thanks for reading Scientific American. Overview of the Quality and Completeness of Resource Assessment Data for the APEC Region. First announced in July 2021, the Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy aims to support a diverse economy, enhance community resilience, and conserve natural resources in Southeast Alaska. Renewables were used to meet 5 percent of Southeast power sales in 2006, according to the paper, which defines the region as Alabama, the Carolinas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee and Virginia. Broken down by region, underperformance affected projects in the Pacific Northwest the most at 17% above the national average. By 2025, the desired regional target is securing 23 percent of primary energy from renewable sources. No, of course not. Drill Baby Drill 2.0: The EPA Needs To Start Permitting Wells For Carbon Dioxide Sequestration, Asias Hunger For Energy Will Not Save Russias Economy, all Southeast coal plants cost more to run, proposed the voluntary Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM), New research from Energy Innovation and Vibrant Clean Energy, establishing a competitive wholesale electricity market, investigate the benefits of establishing organized markets, Competitive wholesale electricity markets, These markets are far from perfect in practice, ambitious long-term climate announcements, heavily reliant on expensive-to-run coal plants, doubling down on risky new gas infrastructure investments, a competitive regional Southeast market through 2040, one of the countrys fastest growing economic sectors, offering higher than average wages, the growing number of companies with 100% clean energy goals, may suffer more economic loss from COVID-19 than any other area of the country, 1.5 times as much PM 2.5 compared to white Americans, one of the most damaging pollutants for human health, up to $60 billion each year in 2050 and up to $99 billion in 2090 in costs, only North Carolina has a meaningful renewable portfolio standard. Inorganic wastes are reduced to low volume, inert solids.41 The technology is being used commercially in several installations around the world, with the first U.S. facility scheduled to be operational in 2011.42, A potential national renewable electricity standard would rely on biomass as one of the nation's most widely available resources that could be used to meet requirements.43 With many states already moving forward on advancing renewable energy goals, the acceptability of an RES may come down to regional views on the availability and suitability of renewable energy resources for meeting RES requirements.