The objective of it is to clean the water in industrial areas and significantly reduce the harmful discharges in the industrial areas. Vladimir Putin: Full Text of February 21, 2022 Speech Has Russia Already Won? This was the latest The so-called childrens budget has grown not just by certain percentages, its grown several times. This is their humanistic approach. Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a tirade against Western values in his speech at the annual Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi late into Thursday evening. For an analysis of his remarks, click here. Even pedophilia is announced as a normal thing in the West. We have started and we will continue to grow. We remember the soldiers of Donbass, the martyrs of the Odessa Khatyn, the victims of inhuman terrorist attacks carried out by the Kiev regime. We will work on the details of this program and we will immediately start building this housing, especially in the cities which are our military and engineering centers. (40:52) And in the context of complete hatred from the Kyiv regime, they waited and they believed that the Russia would come to their help. MOSCOW, Feb 21 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday delivered a warning to the West over Ukraine by suspending a landmark nuclear arms control treaty, We are also working on the repair for about 3,500 schools using this program. As I have already said, we have many like-minded people in Europe and the United States, and we feel and see their support. Transcript of Vladimir Putins speech announcing special military operation in Ukraine The text below is a partial translation of a nationally televised address by And today, in these current conditions, in these conditions of difficulties, our labor market is even more comfortable than it used to be. And this was a bloody coup, anti-state, anti-constitution coup. These people are closest to the people and the trust to our state depends on them, and Im asking the administration of the president together with the government to create tools of direct support for best management teams, local government teams in municipalities and local areas, those who are able to take responsibility for themselves and for their people, and in order to strengthen our core values, whats very important is the educational system. You are strong people. I would like to thank you for this responsible position, and I would like to remind you of [inaudible 01:15:22] words who said this more than a hundred years ago, but this can be said today, he said that in the business of defense of Russia, we all have to unite, we have to coordinate our forces and our rights in order to support one supreme historic right, the right of Russia to be strong. Of course, were not going to strike first and nobody has to have dangerous illusions that this global strategic parity can be destroyed. Taking into account the experience that we received, we have to achieve that level of supply for all other areas of army and navy. The Morning Edition newsletter is our guide to the days most important and interesting stories, analysis and insights. We need to actively use these instruments so that family budget has got more disposable income and so that families can focus on essential challenges. "Athlete | Empire" presents the in-depth, intimate stories of these businesses, as told by the players themselves. We are putting a hold on it. This is no longer servility but direct betrayal of their own peoples. This is a call to our business to work in the new direction. You made your choice despite the threats of terror the Nazis, even though next to you there were military actions taking place and you made the choice to be together with Russia, to be together with your motherland. Following If this does not happen, I cannot rule out that they will try to trigger a collapse of the entire system, and blame everything on that, or, God forbid, decide to use the old formula of economic growth through war. And theyre recognizing same sex marriages. Putin They are, as they say, trying to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. (01:22:08) As for tax systems for Russian families, starting from last year, families with two or more children are freed from tax on sale of property. We have already heard about the deterrence of Russia, China and Iran. These European elites understand everything they do, but they prefer to serve the interests of others. We are one big united people. Lets remember it. And this was the material for the military actions. And their statements that they would like to inflict a strategic defeat on us, either theyre very cynical, ultimately cynical, or stupid. The family of every member of the special military operation needs to be surrounded with care and attention and we need to respond to their needs very, very quickly. These figures are provided by them. Its power will only grow with time. We understand the reasons for this, but the new forming Russian business was aimed naturally, and as other businesses around the world aimed at the extracting quick profit, and what was happening as a result of it? I would like to thank teachers who are sincerely taking care of the new generation of Russians, especially those who are working in very difficult conditions near. of the international community. At the same time, our plans do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories. They were doing it for a reason. It also does not cancel the right of nations to self-determination enshrined in Article one of the UN Charter. They have dropped their masks and shown what they are really made of. This evasive word migrates from one strategy to another but really only means one thing undermining any and all sovereign centres of power. And you should not try lie to everyone. We are supporting business and providing systematic support, infrastructural support, tax support to the business. It was done ostentatiously and, to repeat, without any military necessity. MOSCOW, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday presided over a ceremony at the Kremlin to annex four Ukrainian regions partly occupied by his forces. Full Transcript: Here's Russian President Vladimir Putin's In 1991, the West thought that Russia would never rise after such shocks and would fall to pieces on its own. They had only one goal, as with the nuclear bombing of Japanese cities: to intimidate our country and the rest of the world. This is their practice and they will expand it. The West is ready to cross every line to preserve the neo-colonial system which allows it to live off the world, to plunder it thanks to the domination of the dollar and technology, to collect an actual tribute from humanity, to extract its primary source of unearned prosperity, the rent paid to the hegemon. There is only one way to stop this madness!. We should not allow a situation where a building becomes dilapidated. And today its vitally important, its necessary. Listen, this is just a lot of nonsense, utter deceit, double standards, or even triple standards! It is this force that will determine our future geopolitical reality. We do not have the right not to take this into account. Politics CPAC Republicans Conservatives China. Share Your Design Ideas, New JerseysMurphy Defends $10 Billion Rainy Day Fund as States Economy Slows, This Week in Crypto: Ukraine War, Marathon Digital, FTX. According to our figures, inflation in Russia will be next to the Near 4%. We are not going to step away from this basic rights of our people. And also provide these services without any bureaucracy through a one window system. We remember the horrible 1990s, hungry, cold and hopeless. You yourselves determined your future. They see in multipolarity an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means gaining genuine freedom, historical prospects, and the right to their own independent, creative and distinctive forms of development, to a harmonious process. And anyone who knows history and knows that this goes back to the 19th century Austrian-Hungarian Empire, and this was, they only had the single goal to separate these territories from their historic ties with our country. (01:19:20) Extracts from Putin's speech on Ukraine | Reuters What was the cover up? Feb 24, 2022 Transcript: Vladimir Putins Televised Address on Ukraine Bloomberg News, Bloomberg News (Bloomberg) -- President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends, I consider it necessary today to speak again about the tragic events in Donbass and the key aspects of ensuring the security of Russia. There are new centers of influence and they keep developing, and this is a natural objective process that cannot be ignored. (01:40:45) And all of that was done with a single purpose: to destroy the structure of international relations that was set up after the Second World War. Read: Vladimir Putin's victory day speech in full | The Spectator Offices and sergeants who demonstrates on themselves to be decisive and clever and brave, they should be forwarded to the military academies and they should become a very powerful training reserve. Full Text of Vladimir Putins Speech | Algora Blog We cannot overestimate the support. Putin made the remarks while justifying Russias suspension of its participation in the New START treaty, which seeks to cap the number of nuclear warheads possessed by the US and Russia. I would like to reiterate opportunities, not problems. Vladimir Putin Speech English Transcript To The Russian Federal Full text of Vladimir Putins speech announcing special But one thing is very clear to everyone. And now the NATO countries are offering an ultimatum and theyre saying that, Russia, you have to comply, including this agreement on control of strategic weapons. And this would be three to 4% interest, five to seven years. And the 1980s crisis things came to a head in the 1980s again the West emerged from it unscathed largely by appropriating the inheritance and resources of the collapsed and defunct Soviet Union. And now they are saying that we had plenty of everything on our own.. The elites of the West are not hiding their goals. Mar 3, 2023 Updated 12 min ago. Vladimir Putin: Full Text of February 21, 2022 Speech By Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff - February 22, 2022 1 19783 Start of translation: Dear citizens of Russia! At the basis of new technologies, theres always fundamental sciences. (54:33) We have this information. The greater the range of these systems, the further away we will be forced to move the threat from our borders. As a result of wars that were started by United States since 2021, about 900,000 people died and millions became refugees. This goes for Europe and for the identities of France, Italy, Spain and other countries with centuries-long histories. We have to develop our infrastructure, tourist infrastructure, and I would like for those who faced this aggressive attitude of the west to hear me, running around begging does not make any sense. Article. This is something we discussed with the government. We have achieved visible results here. All they care about is their own benefit. (01:00:42) After the military coup in 2014, we decided to conduct a special military operation. The finalists of these competitions, some of them went to as volunteers to work on the frontline or work on the development of these new regions restoring them. They continued shelling, terror in relation to citizens. 00:30. NATO and Western countries were setting their military bases on our borders and biological laboratories, and they were training on the future theater of military actions. (52:22) Translated on-screen subtitles for videos. Teachers are participating directly in the construction of our future, and its important to raise the prestige of this profession so that parents are very respectful of the teachers and the teachers are very respectful of the parents. Also, and in exchange for that 60 billion, they require complete submission to their will. They simply got used to acting according to a template, to grab whatever they please, by blackmail, bribery, intimidation, and convinced themselves that these methods would work forever, as if they had fossilised in the past. (01:15:15) We have never agreed to and will never agree to such political nationalism and racism. 19:15. The whole planet is dotted with their bases. People see the results of this program. And this repulsive lie and their behavior, two-face behavior was seen in Yugoslavia, in Iraq, Syria, and they will not be able to wash away that shame ever of centuries of colonialism and dictatorship. They were fighting and not giving up in the conditions of a blockade and constant shelling. And theyre betting trillions, trillions of dollars, and they are trying to continue robbing everyone else and theyre covering themselves with words of democracy and values. One of the issues that we discussed was housing, and we already have housing certificates for young scientists and we are allocating 1 billion rubles for these purposes. I dont know how to call it. (01:04:52) Vladimir Putin Industry-leading accurate legal transcription to ensure you dont miss a statement. And following that, our relationships went to such a level where US and Soviet Union stated they were no longer considering each other enemies. We understood this and they are again in Kyiv talking directly about their plans. Russia's Putin issues new nuclear warnings to West over Ukraine Edelweiss is a name of a Nazi German unit, and they have very popular chevrons on their uniform with the German Nazi insignia. Id like to reiterate that we adopted the same approach for Crimea and Sevastopol. An essentially emancipatory, anti-colonial movement against unipolar hegemony is taking shape in the most diverse countries and societies. (20:10) Fundamental science lives according to its own laws, and we have to give them freedom and we have to provide stimulus to young people to go into science, and we know that our best teams have got something to be proud of. Western Oligarchy Simon Elmer Kolozeg.Org, Has Russia Already Won? And the rent in this housing would be significantly lower than the market rent and the difference will be covered by the state. Will His AI Plans Be Any Different? Also, I would like to propose the tax deduction for costs in relation to childrens education from 50 to 150 rubles and medical costs to 130,000 rubles. And of course the situation has changed since 1945. Our policy is based on freedom of choice for all to determine their own future and that of their children. Step by step, they started to destroy the system of world security and control of weapons. Our relationships have deteriorated, and this was the initiative of the United States. (01:10:41) And I want to close with the words of a true patriot Ivan Ilyin: If I consider Russia my Motherland, that means that I love as a Russian, contemplate and think, sing and speak as a Russian; that I believe in the spiritual strength of the Russian people. Lets answer some very simple questions for ourselves. (35:08) Is it Game Over for the Rothschild/Rockefeller Empire? They are diverting attention from the growing social economic problems. (44:34) Nothing could be further from the truth. Vladimir Putin warns of 'global conflict' as he issues nuclear threat Vladimir Putin has warned of a World War 3 "global conflict" as he issued a nuclear threat during his major speech today. This tore apart and dismembered our national community and triggered a national catastrophe. Creating new roads, also win, creating and opening new schools and kindergartens, this is also a win. Were working to restore it. All states that possess or aspire to genuine strategic sovereignty and are capable of challenging Western hegemony, are automatically declared enemies. They do not want or need Russia, but we do. This almost happened. Republicans Remarks About Putin Stun CPAC 2023 Audience. Recently, weve passed a law to put the new strategic defense facilities in areas. Let me remind you that in 2000, 2005, we gave a military rebuff to terrorists in the Caucasus. As a matter of fact, this was actually the case until recently. They have hundreds, hundreds of military bases around the world. They clearly understand that by pressuring the EU to completely give up Russian energy and other resources, the United States is practically pushing Europe toward deindustrialisation in a bid to get its hands on the entire European market.