Betrayal at Krondor | Betrayal Wiki | Fandom Soon your party members will become sick. She will give you a Tuning Fork among other things. Chapter 3 - The Spyglass and the Spider Restock your provisions from the items inside the house. Inside one of the chests you will find the Interdictor Key. Take all of them because you will need them to get out. Give the Idol to Kat on the upper level and she will give you some information. He will also give you the book 'Chapel's Rmur n Whepuns'. Inside a woman will ask you to help her with her stable door. Tamney will ask you to retrieve some geomancer stones from the Diviner's Halls. Go south into the dead end and walk through the illusionary mountains to the west. Just through that you will find Calin. In a corridor to the northwest you will find Obkhar. You will find Pug in a house southeast of the ruins by the coast. Visit Craig the logger in the south end of Dimwood. You will find stairs leading down to the lower level in a room on the west side of the level. Take Nivek's Key off the body just outside town. Craig the Logger (Chapter 7) Look inside the house to the northwest to find a message left by Pug. Take Nivek's Key off the body just outside town. Go east from his house and cross the bridge. You will begin the final chapter in the caverns below Sethanon. To the south near the river you will meet Obkhar. Soon your party members will become sick. This staff will allow Owyn to cast magic again. Their defense will go up by 25. Return to Irmelyn in Armengar to claim a 200 gold reward. Betrayal at Krondor Part 29 - Chapter II 578 views Dec 10, 2019 Nooo, the band is splitting up! If you click on him before the battle starts, you may get the initiative in the battle. He will tell you his side of the story and his suspicions that the count may have wanted the cellar to collapse on his son. Go due north and attack the goblins surrounding the house. The note mentions someone from Cavall Keep. You will find a woman who will give you a Sack of Grain for the Leather Leggings. He will ask you to find the guild leader Arlie Steelsoul and invite him into negations so that the Duke can settle matters in Romney. If you go to the barracks, you will be told about a stolen ruby. He will ask you to poison rations in some moredhel boxes nearby. Visit the docks and the Mist Devil will sail you to the Isle of Eortis. Put some spoiled rations in the chest by the field. You will begin this chapter in the sewers below Krondor. Return to the Temple of Dala to the west and give them the Sack of Grain. To the west you will find 3 Vapor Masks. Chapter 9 - Mad Gods Rage Craig the Logger (Chapter 7) The priestess will reward you by bestowing the blessing of the goddess Dala on one of your party members. Cast Union to read the riddles and answer 'DOOR', 'OUTSIDE', and 'ONION', to open the chests. Drop all your rations and sleep for a night. Continue along the road to the east and you will come across a house. Return to Duke Martin and he will ask you to find Tamney the Bard and convince him to return to Northwarden. Chapter 9 - Mad Gods Rage Your way will be blocked by one of Steelsoul's men, however. Approach the town of Harlech to the west and cast "And the Light Shall Lie" to get past the soldiers. He will tell you more about Neville's death and where to find Navon. Return to Duke Martin and he will tell you to return to Northwarden. To the west you will find 3 Vapor Masks. He will tell you where the Waani device is located. It is worth doing because she will reward you with a Galon 'Griefmaker'. North of the ruins and east of the town of Cavall Keep you will find a chest behind a hill. Return to Romney and report your success to the Duke. Take one of them with you. He will agree to tell you what he knows about the spyglass and the spider if you retrieve a bag that was stolen from him by the Crawler. Most of the locks on the grates at the top of the ladders are broken, but there is one good one near the top-right area of the sewers. Betrayal at Krondor Spell List v1.0c - Mr Knowitall - Neoseeker There are many ways that you can take to get to Krondor. Krondor The Betrayal, Feist, Raymond E., Used; Good Book You will be allowed to pass but will have to fight enemies on the other side of the pass. She will teach Owyn the spell "And the Light Shall Lie", which will make Owyn look like a Moredhel. The Diviner's Halls is a cave northeast from the town. Go south at the first two forks and keep going down the passage. It will be a difficult battle. Speak to Arlie Steelsoul and he will agree to negotiate with the Duke of Romney. He will reward you with 300 gold and a virtue key. If you follow the spider trail to Krondor you will discover that the Upright Man has been murdered, but you will be no closer to the Nighthawk's headquarters. Speak to Glover in the house at the end of the road and pay 150 gold for the hand. The priestess will reward you by bestowing the blessing of the goddess Dala on one of your party members. You can find Isaac behind a big hill north of Hawk's Hollow. Use the shell you received from the Rusalki on the sword to make the Guarda Revanche, the most powerful sword of the game. To the northeast you will find three pantathians who are causing the energy drain. To the northeast you will find three pantathians who are causing the energy drain. Dhatsavan will tell you to return to him the Cup of Rlnn Skrr and he will release Pug. Betrayal at Krondor Cheats For PC - GameSpot Open the door of the stable just to the north and return to her. In the top-right corner of the cave you will find the Geomancer Stones in a chest. Venutrier of Lan will capture you and throw you into the mines. Look inside the house to the northwest to find a message left by Pug. Approach the town of Harlech to the west and cast "And the Light Shall Lie" to get past the soldiers. Inside you will find a sword and some armor. Near the entrance of the mine you will meet the dwarf Naddur Ban Dok who will tell you about the Brak Nurr that has been causing trouble in the mine. Return to the Temple of Dala to the west and give them the Sack of Grain. Enter the town of Raglam and enter Captain Kroldech's house, on the eastern edge of town. He will ask you to poison rations in some moredhel boxes nearby. Your way will be blocked by soldiers before the bridge, though. You will see a burial cloth and a shovel. Go south and then cross the bridge. The magical barrier will be gone now that the six are dead. Chapter 3 - The Spyglass and the Spider Venutrier of Lan will capture you and throw you into the mines. He will tell you what he knows about the rift machine. Return to Romney and report your success to the Duke. In a corridor to the northwest you will find Obkhar. He will tell you his side of the story and his suspicions that the count may have wanted the cellar to collapse on his son. You will find Pug in a house southeast of the ruins by the coast. The exit to the mines is in the northwest corner of the mines. Go south and then cross the bridge. Soon your party members will become sick. Enter the sewers below the city. Return to Irmelyn in Armengar to claim a 200 gold reward. You will find stairs leading down to the lower level in a room on the west side of the level. (Your defense will go up by more if you emphasize it.) Go northeast from the town, follow the river south, and cross the bridge. Venutrier of Lan will capture you and throw you into the mines. He will tell you that he used to be young but something sapped his energy in the woods to the east. See below for a walkthrough for this sub-quest. She will give you a Tuning Fork among other things. Continue east past Highcastle. In the barracks in LaMut, Captain Belford will tell you that a ruby has been stolen by the Grey Warriors. Return to Duke Martin and he will express concerns about what the enemy is planning. He will tell you where the Waani device is located. Locklear will remove Gorath's chains and they will force Owyn to come with them so that he doesn't talk. You will find Steelsoul's house between Sloop and Silden with KEEP OUT signs in front of it. Enter Romney and go the Black Sheep Tavern. Defeat Makala and the two Dreads he summons to protect the Lifestone and bring peace to the kingdom. Sumani in the Inn in LaMut, will suggest you speak to a gem dealer named Keifen Alescook in Loriel. Take all of them because you will need them to get out. Speak to the Duke of Romney at the beginning of the third chapter. He will tell you to report to Duke Martin. After you cross the bridge, go east and talk to Moraeulf. Stay on the east side of the river and go north. Inside a woman will ask you to help her with her stable door. Soon your party members will become sick. He will reward you with a Ring of the Golden Way. Give the Idol to Kat on the upper level and she will give you some information. Enter the town of Raglam and enter Captain Kroldech's house, on the eastern edge of town. In a corridor to the northwest you will find Obkhar. Open the door of the stable just to the north and return to her. Visit Craig the logger in the south end of Dimwood. Inside you will see a note from Squire Phillip who has taken the device. He will use the Cup of Rlnn Skrr to learn all the spells that Owyn knows. You will find a moredhel spellcaster with some Rusalki on the far west side of the forest on the south bank of the river. You can find spoiled rations in the inn in Silden. To the northeast you will find three houses together. Return the Eliaem's Heart to the Rusalki by the lake and she will give you 12 packages of Rations and a special shell. You can find spoiled rations in the inn in Silden. Inside you will see that Kroldech has been killed and you will find a powerful sword, some gold, and the battle plans. If you click on him before the battle starts, you may get the initiative in the battle. You will begin the final chapter in the caverns below Sethanon. The priestess will reward you by bestowing the blessing of the goddess Dala on one of your party members. The Diviner's Halls is a cave northeast from the town. Go north to the Temple of Kahooli and ask the lector for the identity of the leader of the Nighthawks. Go back west and then south from Highcastle. Open the door of the stable just to the north and return to her. Follow the north bank of the river closely until you reach the western mountains and then go north, hugging the mountain, to avoid the sleeping glade. You will be allowed to pass but will have to fight enemies on the other side of the pass. Go through the door in the north wall and keep following the passage. Tamney will ask you to retrieve some geomancer stones from the Diviner's Halls. To the west you will find 3 Vapor Masks. Follow the east side of the river north. It will be a difficult battle. Defeat the Moredhel Spellcasters and use the Waani on the Rift Machine to destroy it. Owyn and Gorath will begin this chapter on a strange desert world beneath a hot red sun. The Ghost of Jarel Lycrow (Chapter 2) Go west to the bridge and give the goblins the password you found earlier to be allowed to pass. Betrayal at Krondor - My Abandonware She will give you a Tuning Fork among other things. Betrayal at Krondor FAQs, Guides and Walkthroughs - Neoseeker Go to Decamp on the Teeth and speak to one of the patrons in the tavern. Speak to Irmelyn in the tavern in Armengar and agree to free Obkhar from the Naphtha mines. You can find spoiled rations in the inn in Silden. Confront the farmer Max Feeber in the field and he will confess that he dug up Jarel Lycrow's body to scare off Nia but the hand of the skeleton fell off. Take the maps from inside. Go north to Kenting Rush. Return to Irmelyn in Armengar to claim a 200 gold reward. Speak to Arlie Steelsoul and he will agree to negotiate with the Duke of Romney. Dungeons. Go through the door in the north wall and keep following the passage. 2000-2011 He will tell you his side of the story and his suspicions that the count may have wanted the cellar to collapse on his son. You will find the Cup of Rlnn Skrr in a house in the southeast corner of the island guarded by some Pantathians. The note mentions someone from Cavall Keep. There are many ways that you can take to get to Krondor. Speak to the Duke of Romney at the beginning of the third chapter. She has been rendered helpless by Makala, though, so Gorath will stay behind to protect her while Pug and Owyn continue on to Makala. When you leave the mine you will be in the dwarf town of Caldara. In the passageway behind the Brak Nurr, you will find a stairway leading to the next level. He will tell you what he knows about the rift machine. Enter the sewers below the city. On the far west side of the mine you will find the Brak Nurr. He will tell you where the rift machine is located and how to destroy it. Continue northeast toward Lyton, but go west before you reach it. He will reward you with 300 gold and a virtue key. Confront the farmer Max Feeber in the field and he will confess that he dug up Jarel Lycrow's body to scare off Nia but the hand of the skeleton fell off. Return to Duke Martin and he will tell you to return to Northwarden. Mike's RPG Center He will release the barrier surrounding Pug. He will tell you that the keep burned down. Return to the upper level. Return to the upper level. The high priestess will be suffering from a lack of sleep and none of the priests will be able to heal you are bless your equipment because some spellcaster nearby is doing dream sendings. You can find Isaac behind a big hill north of Hawk's Hollow. Put some spoiled rations in the chest by the field. Continue east past Highcastle. You should look for them and walk everywhere initially instead of sticking to the road. You will find a woman who will give you a Sack of Grain for the Leather Leggings. Return the ruby to Captain Belford in LaMut to receive a 100 gold reward. Go east from his house and cross the bridge. Your way will be blocked by one of Steelsoul's men, however. 114.9 kb. Follow the north bank of the river closely until you reach the western mountains and then go north, hugging the mountain, to avoid the sleeping glade.
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