(2) A focused (or problem-centered) database is used for a limited https://quizlet.com/54176795/health-assessment-exam-1-flash-cards/ Category: Health Show Health (3) *having the ability to listen. Feedback: INCORRECT a. Relieving factors are determined by asking the patient what relieves the pain, what is the effect of any treatment, what the patient has tried, and what seems to help. Medical diagnoses are used to evaluate the etiology (cause) of disease. Feedback: INCORRECT C) an individual's perception of health. Euphemisms are used to avoid reality or to hide feelings. Chapter 9 - General Survey, Measurement, Vital Signs B) substance use and abuse. A) complaints of left knee pain. In this situation, the nurse's verbal interpretation: Focused or Problem-Oriented Assessment 4. *C) avoidance language. 4. emergency. If the person answers "yes" to 2 or more CAGE questions, you should suspect alcohol abuse and continue with a more complete substnce abuse assessment. Heritage consistency theory has been expanded in an attempt to study the degree to which a person's lifestyle reflects his or her traditional heritage. * A) review previous medical records. Empathy means viewing the world from the other person's inner frame of reference. The most appropriate introduction to use to start an interview with an older adult patient is: EXAM 2 - HEALTH ASSESSMENT - MISC from PPT (2) Study online at 12. *C) conduct the interview at eye level and at a distance of 4 to 5 feet. You should *guard against stereotyping* individuals. Pain is a very private, subjective experience that is greatly influenced by cultural heritage. Feedback: INCORRECT Functional assessment measures a person's self-care ability including the ability to perform activities of daily living. C) helps the patient understand personal feelings in relation to his or her verbal message. A) ask the child, before the caretaker, about symptoms. Feedback: INCORRECT *A) the logic of the traditional belief systems. It is done to detect diseases early in people that may look and feel well." [1] The Four Methods of Health Assessment The four basic methods or techniques for physical health assessment are: Inspection, Palpation, Percussion and A) participating in religious services on a regular basis. Recording physical findings in the review of systems is incorrect; review of systems is limited to the patient statements or subjective data. Minorities tend to be younger than non-Hispanic white populations. Feedback: INCORRECT TB-Chapter 13 Skin, Hair, and Nails - StuDocu In the yin/yang theory, health is believed to exist when all aspects of the person are in perfect balance. Parents or caretakers accompany children to the health care setting. Prepare yourself to test your knowledge with this Health assessment MCQs quiz. D) depression. After completing an initial assessment of a patient, the nurse has charted that his respirations are eupneic, and his pulse is 58 beats per minute. The areas assessed under the self-esteem and self-concept section of the functional assessment include education, financial status, and value-belief system. B) Follow-up Appearance, dress, and hygiene are observations included in the general survey. Feedback: INCORRECT Test 1 Ch 1 testprep.docx. "* For a younger child such as a toddler, the parent will provide all or most of the history. A) Episodic * These responses now include your own thoughts and feelings. C) breast lump During a skin assessment, the nurse notices that a Mexican-American patient has skin that is yellowish- brown; however, the skin on the hard and soft palate is pink and the patients scleras are not yellow. B) "If I were you, I would have the surgery." Health Assessment Exam 1- PPT and quiz questions Flashcards | Quizlet From this finding, the nurse could probably rule out: a. Feedback: INCORRECT (1) Providing false assurance or reassurance, Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: CORRECT* The interviewer and patient should be comfortably seated; standing communicates haste and assumes superiority. A) set the room temperature between 64 and 66 F. A) a determination of the etiology of disease. Health assesment Exam #1 - Information from Power Points will be C) left knee has been swollen and hot for the past 3 days. 1: Introduction to Health Assessment Define health and health - Studocu Health Assessment Exam 1 Notes ch. B) personal response to stress. (7) Using leading or biased questions, A) "Mr. Jones, I want to ask you some questions about your health so that we can plan your care." I would like for her to wear a Holter monitor and I will review the results with her when available. During the interview, the nurse learns that the client wants . Or, it may be to explain cause: "The reason you cannot eat or drink before your blood test is that the food will change the test results.". (2) the *cultural beliefs and practices* of different people. A.olfaction B.auscultation C.Palpation D.Percussion B Rationale: B. *C) the presence or absence of all symptoms under the system heading. *E) the heritage of the health care system. B) Risk for infection 2. Nonverbal communication is the primary communication method for infants. Food intolerance varies with different cultural groups. A follow-up database is used to follow up short-term or chronic health problems; the statuses of identified problems are evaluated at regular and appropriate intervals. (6) Using professional jargon, Spirituality is defined as: *B) a personal effort to find meaning and *purpose in life. Expectations, manifestations, and management of pain are all embedded in a cultural context. breathing, bleeding D) stand next to the patient to convey a professional demeanor. Subjective data is what the person says about himself or herself during history taking. D) helps the nurse understand his or her own feelings in relation to the patient's verbal message. What type of assessment data is this? *Feedback: CORRECT* *complete health history data category 5. Subjective data is what the person says about himself or herself during history taking. B) the Hispanic population tends to be older. *complete health history data category 6. Health assessment is the evaluation of the health status by performing a physical exam after taking a health history. The purpose of the assessment is to collect pertinent patient health status data, identify abnormal findings, Identify patient's strength and coping resources. Objective data is what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating during the physical examination. Risk for infection is an example of a second-level priority. C) Emergency D) The phlegm will be replaced with dryness. What is the yin/yang theory of health? Health Assessment EXAM 1 Practice Questions.docx - Health Reflection is repeating part of what the person has just said. D) objective data that supports the history of present illness. Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's ethnic or cultural group is more important or superior. B) own and operate specialty community clinics. When taking an *older adult's health history*, also ask additional questions. D) The phlegm will be replaced with dryness. They require prompt intervention to prevent deterioration, and may include a mental status change or acute pain. *Cultural conflicts* between nurses and patients from diverse backgrounds are related to *different time and relationship perceptions*. The source of history is a record of who furnishes the information, how reliable the informant seems, and how willing he or she is to communicate. Objective data is gathered by what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating during the physical examination. - *G* Guilty - Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking? Feedback: INCORRECT A) 5 Health Assessment Final Exam Flashcards Quizlet Health (1 days ago) WebA nurse is completing an assessment that will involve gathering subjective and objective data. B) Preschoolers Religious beliefs may influence the person's: Religious beliefs may influence the person's: C) family role, interpersonal relations, social support, and time spent alone. The amount of nutritional information needed depends on the child's age; the younger the child is the more detailed and specific the data should be. 03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT. Which problem is a first-level priority? A) distancing language. *Feedback: CORRECT* *Feedback: CORRECT* The adolescent interview during the health history should be with the youth alone; the parent(s) may wait in the waiting area and complete other past health questionnaire forms. An emergency database is rapid collection of the data often obtained concurrently with lifesaving measures. Refer to feedback in Option B. Feedback: INCORRECT A) Health exists when all aspects of the person are in perfect balance. D) the risk of disease in the patients ethnic group. Health Assessment Exam 1.docx - Health Assessment Exam 1 - Course Hero Feedback: INCORRECT B) reduce noise by turning the volume on the television or radio down. *Ethnicity* pertains to membership in a social *group that claims to possess a common* geographic origin, migratory status, religion, race, language, shared values, traditions or symbols, and food preferences. The nurse should interview the parent and child together, but when a presenting symptom or sign exists, the nurse should ask the child about it first, then gather data from the parent. Coping and stress management are assessed during the functional assessment of the complete health history. It is smaller in scope and more targeted than the complete database. D) "You are upset about the level of pain, right?" During the closing, *signal that the interview is ending*, which gives the patient one last chance to share concerns or express himself or herself. The problem/focused history: for when the problem is https://quizlet.com/562155964/advanced-health-assessment-exam-1-flash-cards/ D) report of impaired mobility from left knee pain as evidenced by an inability to walk, swelling, and pain on passive range of motion. 25 pages. Nursing health assessment focus on the whole picture of patient's health concepts. B) Follow-up Planning - Establish priorities, set timelines for outcomes. A medical diagnosis is used to evaluate: Objective data is gathered by what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating during the physical examination. *B) empathy. - Voice, and Which problem is a first-level priority? . A) Episodic An example of an open-ended question or statement is: Range of motion is assessed by inspection. Feedback: INCORRECT C) "Why did you wait so long to make an appointment?" Starting at ___ years of age, the interviewer asks the child directly about his or her presenting symptoms. Feedback: INCORRECT (4) Using avoidance language, Empathy is therapeutic; sympathy is nontherapeutic. A) speak at least two languages. C) Adolescents D) the cause of disease. A)There is no need to wash one's hands after removing gloves, as long as the gloves are still intact. Health Assessment Exam 1 Flashcards Quizlet Health (6 days ago) Web (1) A complete (or total health) database includes a complete health history and a full physical examination. A) complaints of left knee pain. - Studocu good notes to help understand health assessment practicum quiz study online at be to what is important to your patient. C) Impaired gas exchange Health assessment is a plan of care that focuses on the specific needs of a patient and how the healthcare system, or you can say, the skilled nursing. A) unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. Ethnicity pertains to a social group within the social system that claims to possess variable traits. Feedback: INCORRECT Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides people with limited English proficiency access to health care; these individuals cannot be denied health care services. 03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT. Carl Rogers described the concepts of congruence and incongruence as important ideas in his theory of personality and human development. For *sick patients*, the health history includes a detailed, chronologic record of the *health problem.*. you develop a list of possible interventions based on . What type of data is this? An example of subjective data is: * The nurse should ask the patient which question? D) "You are upset about the level of pain, right?". Most of health practices used by folk healers are not dangerous and are usually harmless. D) a short statement of general health status. * Which of the following will most likely describe this patient's view of wellness? * Three internal factors promote good communication: Three internal factors promote good communication: Clarification also is used to summarize the person's words, simplify the words to make them clearer, and then ask if you are on the right track. B) crepitation in the left knee joint. A) Episodic Internal and external factors can affect communication. In this situation, the nurse's verbal interpretation: D) "Because so many people have already asked you questions, I will just get the information from the chart.". Health Assessment Quizlet Exam 1 The patient may not share personal feelings if fear is experienced. Health Assessment Flashcards | Quizlet Hesi health assessment questions and answers - HSC 489 - SFA - StuDocu While discussing the treatment plan, the nurse infers that the patient is uncomfortable asking the physician for a different treatment because of fear of the physician's reaction. Which of the following is true regarding language barriers and health care? * The perceived causes of illness and symptoms can be culturally based and may be viewed as *biomedical* (or scientific), *naturalistic* (or holistic), or *magicoreligious*. A) his or her own heritage. C) the process of being raised within a culture. * A) 5 B) rephrase the same questions later in the interview. Feedback: INCORRECT A complete database includes a complete health history and a full physical examination; it describes the current and past health state and forms a baseline against which all future changes can be measured. Most healers cost significantly less than healers practicing in the biomedical or scientific health care system. ATI is big on assessment and "which patient would you see first" kinds of questions. D) the ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). Feedback: INCORRECT D) Health exists when there is optimal functioning. CAGE is a screening questionnaire to identify excessive or uncontrolled drinking (e.g., C = Cut down; A = Annoyed; G = Guilty; E = Eye opener). *Feedback: CORRECT* *A) nutritional data* The health history is adapted to include information specific for the age and developmental stage of the child (e.g., mother's health during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the perinatal period). To determine the patient's perception of pain, the nurse would determine the meaning of the symptom by asking how it affects daily activities and what the patient thinks the pain means. A) Behavior theory *Feedback: CORRECT* *Feedback: CORRECT* (2) Perception of its *severity* Chapter 1 - Evidence-Based Assessment Chapter 2 - Cultural Competence Chapter 3 - The Interview Chapter 4 - The Complete Health History Chapter 5 - Mental Status Assessment Chapter 8 - Assessment Techniques and Clinical Setting Chapter 9 - General Survey, Measurement, Vital Signs Chapter 10 - Pain Assessment: the 5th vital sign Chapter 11 - Health Assessment Exam 1 Flashcards | Chegg.com Feedback: INCORRECT *A) "Tell me about your pain. The health care provider should use short, simple sentences with concrete explanations. Exam Action. The Hispanic population was much younger, with a median age of 27.6 years, and about one-third of the Hispanic population was younger than 18 years old. With this question, the nurse is seeking information about: What are the four kinds of databases? This option is not within the context of the interview. Functional assessment includes questions on substance use and abuse. C) ask the patient if there is someone who could verify information. - *A* Annoyed - Have you ever been annoyed by criticism of your drinking? B) cultural and ethnic values. B) crepitation in the left knee joint. C) "Mr. Jones, is it okay if I ask you several questions this morning about your health?" You are asking for agreement, and the person can then confirm or deny your understanding. - Touch. Essay - Shadow health focused exam:uti with antibiotic sensitivity assignment (concept lab) 3. For a well person, briefly note the general state of health. Feedback: INCORRECT Additions include: When obtaining a *child's health history*, use the same structure you would use for an adult, but make pertinent modifications or additions. Health Assessment Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet * - Posture, A) hearing loss *C) the heritage of the nursing profession. Which of the following assessment techniques will best allow the nurse to collect https://quizlet.com/217053036/health-assessment-final-exam-flash-cards/ Category: Health Show Health Which of the following statements, if made by the interviewer, would be an appropriate response? C) family role, interpersonal relations, social support, and time spent alone. The "review of systems" in the health history is: Health Assessment exam 2 - 1- When assessing the abdomen, the - StuDocu Exam Action. Obtaining a heritage assessment helps gather data that are accurate and meaningful and can guide culturally sensitive and appropriate care. Education is a form of socialization. What type of data base is most appropriate when a rapid collection of data is required and often compiled concurrently with life-saving measures? Nightingale College Utah 2020/2021 HESI HEALTH ASSESSMENT NURSING RN V1 100 Questions with answers 1. What information is included in greater detail when taking a health history on an infant? Work to develop the ability to read patients' nonverbal behaviors and to monitor your own nonverbal communication. D) a short statement of general health status. 1,3,4,8,9,10,1, Health Assessment in Nursing Chapter 1 Review, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses.
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