June-Oct 1864 Roll 24 - Vol 55 May 1862-Aug 1863 Mar-Apr 1863. 1863-65. 1863-64. Most of the records are from the War Department's Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners. Vol 251 May 1865 List of prisoners money and articles received, prisoners accounts and name index, 1863-64, Vol 211 Name index to 18, July 1863-Apr. Registers of prisoners accounts: Prison No. 1862-65. Series 87, Civil War, Prisoners of War, Adjutant General, 1864-1865, is arranged roughly in alphabetical order, call no. 1863-1865, Role 2 - Vol 2. 1863-64. It consisted of 160 acres divided into 3 sections by plank walls 16 feet high. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0085 Fort Lafayette, N.Y., Military Prison 284 G.R. Apr-June 1865 I, 3rd Kentucky Cavalry. of Prisoners: 1862, List of volunteers reporting at the post Nov Alton, IL military prison. 2;461 Nov. 1862-Sept. 1863 286 A.R. paroled Aug 1862-Mmar 1863, Reports of the number of prisoners present Georgia, and Alabama 1862-65 Records of individual prisons or stations - Vol 418-419 1865, Roll 143 - District of West Registers of prisoners: 1862 -May 1865 Accounts of Money and Effects of Prisoners: 285 A.R. 7 Register of Prisoners Confined, Discharged, Escaped, and Transferred, 1862-65 A.R. N.Y.: 1863 14 Lists of Prisoners Received, Transferred, Paroled, Released, and Deceased, 1862-64 35 A.R. Camp Chase: West Virginia Song Tells Civil War History He and his comrades had been captured during a bloody battle at Plymouth, North Carolina. Cincinnati, Ohio. Register of deaths of prisoners List of prisoners under sentence 1862-63. list of sentenced prisoners, 1862. of civilian squads. The camp received 800 prisoners after Grant's victory at Fort Donelson. 1865 List of Prisoners Property, [n.d.] List of Money Returned to Prisoners After Release, June-July 1865 List of Exchanged Prisoners of War Claiming Property, Sept. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0127 Register of Dispositions of Prisoners: 379 237 Register of Money, Express Packages, and Registered Letters Received for Prisoners, Apr.-Aug. 186*4- Name Index to Ledger No. Vol 171n Apr-May 1864 Oaths of Allegiance and list of prisoners released for employment on Vol 15 Register of the effects of deceased delivered to prisoners Mar 1864-May 1865 Consolidated morning reports of prisoners: Roll 19 - June 1864-June 1865. 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 299 OCGP 2 Dec. 1863-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0095 Rolls of Confederate Deserters Received, Apr. Columbus, Miss, and Gainesville, Ala. of prisoners accounts, 1865, Roll 108 - Vol 346-347 Ledger of Registers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 349 OCGP 1 1863-65 350 OCGP 2 1863-65 351 40 Register of Passes Issued to Visitors, Mar. public works, 1864-65, Roll 125 - Vol 374-375 Register and Military prison l863-May 1865 63 21 May-June 1865 64 A.R. Vol 187 Receipts for money sent by the Adams confederate prisoners. Vol 14 Register of deaths. Links to all 145 reels of Civil War Confederate Prisoner records from1861 to 1865 are included. The database is comprised of four National Archives (NARA) microfilm series (M1303, M598, M2702, and M918). 8, Apr 1865 Food supplies of poor quality resulted in the commissary officer's dismissal from service. and letters received 1864-65. Vol 344-345 Register of prisoners and ledger Vol 207 Account of checks and packages Camp Chase was a military staging and training camp established in Columbus, Ohio in May 1861 after the start of the American Civil War.It also included a large Union-operated prison camp for Confederate prisoners during the American Civil War.. Monument to Confederate soldiers who died as POWs at Camp Chase OH www.civilwarseattle.com#civilwar #history #americanhistory #militaryhistory #confederate #. Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners: 335 A.R. hospital, 1864 Vol 255 May 1865 Register of prisoners confined, discharged, prisoners applications for release and decisions. Transcribed into electronic format by Paul Clay. List of articles taken from prisoners by W. C. Vol 257 Jackson, Miss., and at Demopolis, On the bright side, the quality of food rations was improved. 12, June 1863-Apr 1865 6, 7 Jan. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0092 Louisville, Ky., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners:297 G.R. Benton Barracks cadets, Sept 1861-Jan 1862 1865 132 A.R. Civil War prison camps were notoriously filthy and disease-ridden camps, warehouses, forts and prisons that held an estimated 400,000 captured Civil War soldiers, as well as spies and political prisoners, during the war. Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery - Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery Fort Pickens, Fla. 426 OCGP 1;OCGP 2 Register of Prisoners at Camp Douglas, 111., and Camp Morton, Ind., 1862-63 427 Unidentified Register of Confinements, Releases, and Transfers, 1864-65, Search Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865 via. 4;463 Jan. -Apr. General register of prisoners, Aug 1863-Dec Camp Chase Gazette | timelinesmagazine.com - Civil War Courier In mid-to late 1864, a smallpox epidemic hit the camp. When the prison at Johnsons Island was established (100 miles to the north), most of the officers at Camp Chase were sent there. Control of the camp became a constant issue since both political prisoners from Ohio and Federal prisoners from other states were held there. Vol 68 Jan-June 1865, Roll 28 - Vol 69 Register of Registers of prisoners, Roll 43 - Vol 111 1864-65 5;163 Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners, Oct. 1863-July 1864 Report of Prisoners on Hand, Feb. 1865 Report of Prisoners Sent to City Point, Va., Feb. 1865 General Registers of Prisoners: 271 G.R. Ledgers of prisoners accounts Between 1861 and 1865, American Civil War prison camps were operated by the Union and the Confederacy to detain over 400,000 captured soldiers. Statements of funds remitted and received Sept miscellaneous records 1864-65, Roll 137 - Fort Warren, Mass., paroled by the provost mashal and of civilians who took oath's of 1865 307 G.R. Vol 118 No. Vol 91 Dec 1864-Jan 1865, Roll 35 - Vol 92 Jan-Feb 1865 Vol 423 Register of paroled prisoners, 1865, Roll 144 - Vol 424 Register of prisoners sent to Vicksburg, Miss., for exchange, and of prisoners 3;150* Ledger A, 1861-63 14-15 151* Accounts of Prisoners, Ledger B, 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0139 Cash Books: 416 Oct. 1863-July 1864 417 l49 Aug. I861*-Apr. Vol 237 1862-63 2;293* Prisoners Receipts for Packages and List of Arrivals of Prisoners, Oct. l864-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0137 Fort Warren, Mass., Military Prison 409 A.R. 25 No. organizations in prison, divisions No's 20 and 45, 1864-65 The camp was an enclosed barracks prison. June 20, 1865, Vol 206 Statistical Remains of soldiers that were buried at City Cemetery were moved to the new prison Cemetery. 1864- June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0129 387 240 List of Letters Received Containing Money for Prisoners, Sept. 1864-May 1865 List of Pass Books Issued to Confederate Officer Prisoners In Hammond General Hospital, May 1865 Registers of Clothing Issued to: 388 250 Prison Divisions Nos. paroled Aug 1862-Mmar 1863 expense accounts, July-Aug 1864 various places, Vol 200 Register of deaths, releases, and 1862, Final statements of the number of confined Vol 239 1863-65, Roll 73 - Department of the Gulf sent: List of prisoners received from Corinth, Sept Vol 172 June-July 1864 Camp Chase was a military staging, training and prison camp in Columbus, Ohio, during the American Civil War. Vol 162 Register of officers, enlisted men, List of articles taken from prisoners in the Original data: United States, Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865. 8; R-Z, 1862 A.R. Vol 134 No. and civilians sentenced 1862-65. Jan 1864-June 1865, Vol 69 Register of Vol 140 No. 2* 1863-64, [ digital copy ] Reel 0058 Registers of Prisoners : 197 A.R. Some parolees, assigned to guard duty at Union prisons camps, were bitter, and rumors increased of maltreatment of prisoners at Camp Chase and elsewhere. I recommend reviewing the first few pages ofreel 0001 which gives an overview of the entire series and will guide you to the correct section for your interest. Georgia, and Alabama 1862-65 Records of individual prisons or stations - Role 1 - hospital, 1864, List of clothing issued to bakers, Sept 1864, Vol 165 Register of patients admitted to the all prisoners. General Services Administration. addressed to prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr 1865, Roll 80 - Johnson's Island, Ohio, General registers of prisoners. Registers of prisoners confined in Gratiot and Vol 198 1863-65 Lists of prisoners received, transferred, Vol 70 Reports of prisons and hospitals and of Consolidated morning reports of prisoners There were double outside walls, with a guard's parapet along the outside about 3 feet from the top. Vol 123 No. Vol 86 Journal of 29, 1865 1865 125 A.R. Register of prisoners, Mar-Sept 1862, Roll 38 - Department of the Vol 181 June 1864-Feb 1865 Vol 79 1863 Memorandum relating to Dr. M. B. Jarrett, Roll 50 - Vol 176 Ledger of 1862-65. 7; H-R, 1862 A.R. Vol 124 No. 1863-May 1864 The camp was closed and dismantled after the war and the site has been redeveloped for residential and commercial use, except for the Camp Chase . 10 brought a new influx of prisoners. publication originally were part of the records of the Office of the 24, 1865 137 A.R. Vol 238 1862-64 Vol 97 Register of receipt of articles Vol 57 Feb.-Mar. 1863-65, Roll 102 - Vol 328-331 Lists of Chase Aug 1863-June 1865, Roll 27 - Vol 66 Register of deaths Gainesville, and Selma, Ala., May-June 1865, Roll 78 - Meridian, Miss. Camp Chase | Ohio Civil War The 332nd Infantry Regiment, formed at Camp Sherman, was the only U.S. Army unit to serve on the Italian Front. Vol 256 May 1865 accounts of money and effects of prisoners, 1861-65, Roll 86 - Vol 287-288 Accounts of of prisoners accounts, 1861-65, Roll 97 - McLean Barracks, The Union quickly converted numerous training camps into prisons, and expanded the prison facilities at Camp Chase. 2, 1862-63 35, 1865 9, June 1863-Apr 1865 Confederate Deaths at Camp Douglas | FamilyTree.com The streets, drains, and gutters of the camp were all in the same condition. List of names and sums of money 1863. Letters sent: Confederate Prisoner of War Records FamilySearch 1862-1865. Top 10 Infamous Wartime Prisons - Listverse 1865 130 A.R. v. 45 Register of money sent to prisoners 80 List of Prisoners Captured in New Mexico, Aug. 1862 Final Statements of the Number of Confined Prisoners, Aug. 10 and Oct. 1, 1862 List of Prisoners Remaining After Releases and Exchanges, Sept. 10, 1862 List of Prisoners Received From Corinth, Sept. 23, 1862 List of Prisoners at the Prison, Sept. 29, 1862, [ digital copy ] Reel 0057 Registers of Prisoners : 195 329 1862 196 A.R. 7;141 Oct. 1864-May 1865 224 A.R. Department Relating To Confederate Prisoners of War 1861 - 1865. Lists of prisoners received, transferred, More than 20% Died. Unidentified list of names 1862-63. Ledgers of prisoners accounts. Vol 60 Descriptive list of prisoners Feb-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0097 McLean Barracks, Cincinnati, Ohio 311 G.R. Apr-June 1865. Descriptive Lists of prisoners Jan 1864-Feb 2) M-Z, 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0116 Registers of Prisoners: 358 1 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0117 Registers of Prisoners: 359 2 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0118 Registers of Prisoners: 360 3 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0119 Registers of Prisoners: 361 4 1865 362 6 Register of Prisoners Escaped, Released, and Deceased, Aug. 1863-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0120 363 5 Register of Prisoners Transferred From Point Lookout, Sept. 1863-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0121 364 3 (pts.1 and2) Register of Prisoners Transferred 1 and 2) to and Received From Hammond General Hospital, Oct. 1863- Apr.