It's linked below. He can look strong but can be a sensitive person. Obviously everything takes compromise and work. The moon rules Cancer, and its opposite sign is Capricorn. Psychic readings are at the usual premium rate please see terms and conditions for details. Ambitious and quick-brained, these people can truly enjoy their life path and are fast learners. Im a Gemini Sun with a Capricorn Moon. Addictions to material things like clothing, food, or work is common. Although, their stoic outward expression would never let on. Your email address will not be published. The dark envelopes, and it's not as easy to find that light of faith -- we have to dig deep and with persistence. It's harder for some to find the lightness in Capricorns they know, or for Cappy's to find their own light. Theres a restriction of emotional expression and affection that come with this placement. Naturally, the opposite sign of any ruling planet has this sense of being uncomfortable about it, creating a detriment in its expression. Capricorn Sun Pisces Moon Personality Traits | Ryan Hart Taurus suns can be somewhat possessive and if you see any hints of that youll know hes still feeling a lot of draw to you and is probably just conflicted due to the dynamics involved on your end. Michele Knight - all rights reserved Terms and Two words: tactless instigation. Confronting a Pisces Moon can feel like trying to catch a slippery eel. Pisces. She would most probably be career-oriented and hard-working. Romance, cuddles and dreamy love are all easy for the poetic Pisces Moon. Emotional outbursts from others can make them feel awkward. Do Capricorn males get depressed? - Quora They dont care how they get it, or why, as long as all eyes are on them. They will talk to you all day long about the state of your relationship but its still almost impossible to rely on them to be consistent. These people are very kind and loving, but they can also be self-destructive, clingy, self-pitying, and out of touch with reality. Moon in Cancer loves totally and wants to nurture you in a relationship but if insecure, they can get quite manipulative as they will do anything to maintain emotional security. Saturn gives Lunar Capricorns the ability to concentrate and devote themselves to an important task, but at the same time takes away the idealistic and romantic qualities of the Moon. Capricorn Moon Sign Personality Traits | Ryan Hart Nevertheless, there are definitely positive sides to this Natal position in many aspects. 12 Comments. I rather havefriends with the moon in Aries Gemini Cancer Leo Libra Aqu Pisces. Jeans and a t shirt , but with heels and red lipstick. The link between Capricorn and depression is interesting. Capricorn Moon personalities may often seem low-spirited and way too serious. Moon in Leo people just expect to be waited on its all about them! Are you a depressed Capricorn? Its modality is cardinal, meaning it takes on leadership roles and its comfortable as a self-starter. And oppo Saturnus and Uranus. The mother may seem to be too cold and controlling for an individual, constraining their hopes and aspirations. Compartmentalization is a lunar Capricorn commandment. In general I feel u are really compatible just Leo and Libra sun are compatible Aquarius and Libra subs are also! Vtg Covered Cheese/butter dish.Green Depression Era Glass L. E. Smith Moon&Stars. Is there an article that you wrote about Aquarius Moon and gemini moon? My bf is moon capp and I am moon gemini. If/when hurt, a Moon in one of the three water zodiac signs does something to physically hurt themselves so that the injuring party will be forced to feel remorse. Moon in Cancer people are incredibly sensitive and need emotional security. Their level of expression can be limited and their interactions can seem very cold and professional, almost businesslike. What Happens When a Capricorn Man Is Sad? - Astrology Cosmos I have a Saturn retro gate in Aquarius which is hard and this time will almost be done I believe around march 2023 but dammmmm his rising aqua its also there. The Moon in Pisces is intuitive and emotional, impulsive and imaginative, empathetic and other-worldly. Please, wish me luck. Written by Cosmic Cannibal January 13, 2016 These individuals are modest and dont usually like to show off their qualities, others will notice them with time anyway. Statistically, a lot of Capricorn people are depressed (but not necessarily stay that way forever). They get irritable and impatient, and alternatively explosive or seething. I never thought a cap moon or any moon was able to control even intimacy! i fantasize about someone finally putting me in my place and chastising me until i snap back to reality, truly i want it extremely badly. Measurable and tangible resources, feasible possessions, and a realistic outlook in life are appreciated in this position. And they hate compliments. The Lunar emotional patterns have the function of adaptability in different life circumstances and the ability to express oneself. Create a members account for free. Aries Moons hate stagnation, and because they are initiators, they incite as much chaos, action, and destruction as possible. The Moon in Capricorn | A depressed Capricorn moon is unmotivated and irritable. The Capricorn Moon is located under the rulership of the 10th Zodiac sign Saturn, whose main planetary characteristics are seriousness and organizational talent. I feel like it could work but u have to understand certain things u wont have. He was abruptly emotional, selfish, non demonstrative,childish, at times quite mean and sarcastic, prejudice toward people different than him, very contrary to everyone I saw him associate with whether in person or on the phone. Unmoved by the feelings of others, unless they are drenched in chocolate, the Taurus Moon acts on its own accord, and obstinately refuses to admit they are wrong. Aquarians are apt to be extremely graceful, though occasionally an Aquarian will swing the other direction and exhibit extreme klutziness. Im also a Virgo sun so i think that softens the craziness of my gemini moon. Childhood is a serious time, characterized by hardship of some sort. The key to the success of every Capricorn man is his self-confidence. Im a sun libra with moon in saggitarius and he is a sun Leo with moon in cap. Capricorn men are emotionally reserved, calm, serious, hardworking, ambitious, driven, take charge, and career-orientated individuals. Very sensitive, fiery and go getting, because they are a fire sign when they want your attention they want it now. Why Cancer (Zodiac) Is Prone to Depression and Sadness - LiveAbout OK, but I really, really love insulting them cap mooners (dunno, my gem moon nature I guess), I can make the smallest remark and they will go into massive fits and bouts of anger. Moon in Leo in love, love totally. The moon is one of the most important placements in astrology and even though its in detriment here, Saturn offers an abundance of opportunities to grow. I dont know how we are together or how we love each other although all differences between us. A moon in one of the airy zodiac signs attempts to overpower feelings with logic. Balance You have great potential now. Saturn loves to challenge you, its what he does. Will they be tyrants or rule fairly? I felt suppressed being around him. Moon in Scorpios are old souls who were probably very wise, instinctive or aware in childhood. They also make great mothers or fathers themselves and will live for their kids. Goddess Tanit Ibiza In Search Of The Goddess, Celebrating All Hallows Eve on October 31, Autumn Equinox a time of balance and harvest. Taking on the role of both mother and child, Cancer Moons scolds you, holds you, and never lets you go. There is often a sudden urge to demolish the things they rationally assign blame to, like a child. They will often revert to schoolyard tactics (think Mean Girls Regina George) to ensure youve been put in your place. As the sister sign of moon-ruled Cancer, the moon is corralled in Capricorn. I feel totally attract for someone, his sun in Sagittarius and his moon in Cancer, so its were opposite in both! Pisces were born depressed - they have a tendency towards martyrdom and self-sacrifice. View all posts by Z, Design a site like this with, Neptune in the First House and an UncertainIdentity. Often those with Moon in Virgo can be drawn to religion. If Moon in Libra are in a bad relationship, they can swing into depression. However because Im a Scorpio moon getting divorce feels like losing a limb and I found it that is Scorpio moons are even sometimes more loyal then Taurus moons. gotta love that and never breaking out of it so i never get anything done. Gemini sun means the person who is really fun to be around, the social butterfly, intellectual, the Gemini/Scorpio people I've known are always extra charming/magnetic for some reason, possibly because they have the youthful fun energy of the Gemini sun, but the dark sexy energy of Scorpio moon with them as well. In the earthy zodiac signs, the Moons main concern is maintaining their security and comfort, and so they resist change and self-examination. Drinking too much is also a Moon Pisces vice. Capricorn Moon placement is thus located in detriment. Aging depresses Capricorn, as they never quite accept that this is a natural process and are always fighting against the odds. So, it can self-soothe with mind games and manipulation. Their inner life is also determined by these qualities. I think we definitely are attracted to each other..but at the same time help each other open up in terms of frustration and deep emotions.. my capricorn moon man is very cold and detachedas a cancer female I have this deep sense of urge to protect him and care for him..mother him basically. Im a Pisces Moon myself, so I understand the challenges of this lunar placement. Take a sneak peek at my Celtic Cross reading! Where some other zodiac signs might experience heart break or disappointment mainly in regard to romantic situations, success is everything for Capricorn moons. How to make the most of Halloween! MARCH 28, 2023: FIRST QUARTER MOON IN CANCER. Often those with Moon in Capricorn have had some kind of emotional trauma in childhood and have learned to protect themselves emotionally. Saturn (dry and cold), on the contrary, is located in opposition to the Cancer sign, which explains its contradictory nature in terms of the Moons planetary principle. I was so struck by it, I need a new post! Vtg Covered Cheese/butter dish.Green Depression Era Glass L. E. Smith Moon&Stars. Aww, I feel you. Scorpio Moon masks its true motives and meanings, keeping emotions contained until they have decided it is time to blow and seek revenge. The depression settles in when they feel heavy and weighed down. Since we have a starve sex idk how to make him understand he is being selfish and I wont be monogamist at all if he continues like this! They often play the blame game, pointing fingers at external things to explain their internal instability. Thanks for your comment. He doesnt at all! How Can I Help a Depressed Capricorn Woman? - The dark side of the Sagittarius Moon and what earns them the moniker of Bookie is their desperate and active extroversion. As he is workaholic, he rarely online and I have no idea how to get this guy . How Can I Help a Depressed Capricorn Man? - Astrology Cosmos In their target to achieve some grand career goal, Moon in Capricorn may put aside other important aspects of life, such as friendships, family, and love relationships. Ways a Full Moon Can Mess with Your Emotions | Reader's Digest On the physical level, this may lead to severe migraines, long-term depression, making up imaginary problems, and general weakness. These Goddesses of love can bring beauty and harmony to all emotional situations. Subscribe and get horoscopes, podcast episodes, exclusive promos, and a copy of my digital 2023 Astrology Guide! It's in this deep dark that we have that kind of life review, those "spectral visions" of what will unfold, if the path isn't altered. How The Zodiac Signs Deal With Sadness, According To Astrology Moon in Gemini people can find it difficult to connect emotionally. but well, no one has and i dont know how to break out of it myself. It is very likely that one of the key life themes of individuals with the Capricorn Moon could be becoming successful in a career. Is the planet of illusion steering your life? Grounding is important for all earth signs, and a helpful way to get them back into their nature would be to spend time in it. The Earth element is at its strongest here. In love, they tend to intellectualize and think about love rather than get lost in the emotion but are also quite experimental. I use my emotions as a weapon against all including the universe . I have a very flavoured moon. Good looks, character, intelligence, and naughtiness combined! I have noticed that they can be melancholy, but not to a bad extent. When you realize that a Capricorn woman is struggling with depression, you should make an effort to learn how you can support her. They are also always attributed to very egotistic , superficial traits . Moon in Pisces lovers have a lot of intuition and emotional empathy and can be oversensitive as well as romantic! They are born with an innate sense of responsibility and find it very hard to let go. If youre interested: Normally a Capricorn moon would never allow themselves to have an outburst of any kind. The signs themselves are not prone to depression but certain astrological placements during the birth of an individual can cause them to be more vulnerable to depression. Dark Side of the Moon in the signs - Cosmic Cannibal Capricorns are the first to undergo surgery to modify their appearance, but the aging bug strikes them hard sooner or later and often leaves them hopelessly depressed. Saturn is all about karma, restriction, responsibility, can be harsh and has little regard for emotions in any situation. Both headstrong and unscrupulous, the Capricorn Moon manifesto is utterly Machiavellian. They are always very cool and collected, but by no means does this equate to Capricorn moons being unfeeling creatures. The Most Depressing Zodiac Signs (7 Of Them) | OptimistMinds Low self-esteem, insecurity, or even depression is common for lunar Capricorns, and this can usually be traced to their childhood experiences. Saturday, 3/4/2023 - Deer Moon Astrology The smooth-talking Gemini moon can coerce anyone into anything, and will do so just to keep themselves entertained (for now). Intuitive Goddess Bre on Instagram: "Mini Zodiac Messages A Uranian temperament is not a sensitive or selfless one, and the emotional storms are unexpected and erratic. Capricorn Sun Sagittarius Moon people are very active from a mental and physical point of view. If you're on a budget, though . Moon in Aquarius probably accepts their mother unconditionally but possibly never had traditional closeness or nurturing. He would likely be a faithful and reliable partner in a love relationship. They actually go through so much and arent given alot of empathy . I think many people believe Capricorn moons are heartless and cold because thats what tends to be projected onto the world. An Aries Moon is satisfied when they have your attention, but the Firestarter comes out when they get bored. I think the stereotype of an Aquarius Moon is we have no emotions but in reality we just dont know what the eff to do about them so act insane. Moon Gems need emotional freedom and dont like to be pinned down or controlled. December 28: Jupiter . They are the ones that hide behind a uniform or government authority. I need complete and utter isolation ,yet an environment surrounded by admirers . To her credit, others likely thought it, while she said it! What Are Psychic Readings & How Can They Help? When in one of the fire signs, the Moon throws temper tantrums. Moons in Fire signs probably arent sensitive enough for me (Im a Pisces Moon), although Moon in Sagittarius does seem to have this natural resilient, somewhat lucky, and logical tendency. I cant understand. I agree 100% with this article im a Leo sun with Scorpio moon sag rising my 6 yrs husband is Libra sun aqua rising cap moon. The mother of Pisces moon probably had these aspects too. What's making you feel depressed? When in the zodiac sign Pisces, the Moon hate to be hurt and evade pain like Wesley Snipes evades his taxes, employing an arsenal of tactics aimed at preserving illusion. Your email address will not be published. The Capricorn-moon child tends to be older than his years, and as an adult, becomes more youthful as he grows older. Thank you for keeping us thinking! I would say get to know him and use your own Libran charm on him. Entertainment SP Im glad to hear you enjoyed the reading. Each time you try to get any sense of truth out of it, it slithers away. A stoic uses logic to identify and eliminate any irrational beliefs that may lead to destructive emotions (literally Epictetuss principle of Stoicism). Capricorn gets cynical, from ruminating on all the passive sheeple going toward their doom, individually or collectively. Expect many obscenities and objects thrown at you if you hurt them or ignore them. Guilt is Cancer Moons favorite weapon. Theres a bit of a superiority complex in every Taurus Moon caused by the fixed modality, which seeks to draw things to it. Love and appreciation are proven here with the help of actions, i.e. In fact, Lunar Capricorns usually feel the best at work when they become authorities. However, she's also a Capricorn Sun with the typical Capricorn insecurities and . A man with the Capricorn Moon is likely to not be very romantic or sensitive to the feelings of others, thats why it is better not to emphasize the romantic nature if the woman wishes to attract a man for serious intentions. Hi Melanie. Capricorn Moons emotions hide behind their work and sarcasm. A saving grace is that they want you to be productive, because it reflects well on them. Hi, I agree with everything. Im beginning to understand that its his way of doing his due diligence to evaluate if Im The One. Thus, it is hard for them to relax and think of some other matters besides their job. Often those with Moon in Capricorn have had some kind of emotional trauma in childhood and have learned to protect themselves emotionally. This is because the serious energy of Saturn is what they can feel most comfortable in. Capricorn is associated with depression. Though Samhain is a time of thin veils, it's been my experience that Winter Solstice is the darkest night of the soul. And perhaps that pessimism comes from seeing so many going along, not taking charge of their lives or altering the course of history. When thwarted, scorned, or hurt, the Scorpio Moon acts as judge, jury, and executioner, punishing like Old Testament God. The mother could be emotionally distant or very intellectual. These emotional lions will fiercely protect their lover and desire a mate who they can be proud of. Moon Aquarius will be creative and forward-thinking. I tend not to get alone with ladies who have moon in Capricorn if I meet a lady with a moon in Capricorn I am going run I dont want to be friends with a lady whose moon in Capricorn..They are assholes and dry ass crackers.. I got into astrology to try to understand his behavior and realize it was the Capricorn moon we both have a fall moon. As you can imagine, even if you know nothing about astrology, Saturns influence on the moon can make one really uncomfortable with both feeling and expressing emotions. Yet, these free Moon folk are also very accepting and broad minded. This moon sign is highly motivated by opportunities to receive external recognition and measurable achievements. He does show all the traits in the article everything 100%, Your email address will not be published. . Full Moon in Capricorn - Depression Since the Moon is responsible for emotions, Capricorn acts as the suppressing force here in some particular ways. There are always exceptions in astrology of course and aspects to the moon can definitely change this for the better. My moon is in Gemini and my boyfriend of 2 years is in capricorn haha. A fixed Aquarius Moon gives its native two options: destroy or power down. Give Yourself A Spiritual Makeover! Traditionally, in Natal astrology, Moon is associated with the Cancer Water element sign (moist and cold) it is under its rulership. And Capricorn is cardinal in its mode - they are natural born leaders. They leap from emotion to emotion and can be quick to anger. I've updated the post several times over the years. Artistic and creative, they also make very good counsellors. Hi, Im Loren. Im very desperate and thinking of getting divorce 100% because I feel that him not being emotional I can take it at times and understand but the sex party idk what to do his mars and Venus in Virgo mines are on Leo. There is a gambler inside every Sagittarius Moon that is waiting for his or her chance to roll the dice on something irresponsible. Youre likely to discover a newfound tranquillity and purpose that is going to make life much smoother. Capricorns are born in the wintry dark and carry a bit of that "Winter is coming" portentousness year-round. Karmic relationship, soulmate or is it addiction? The normally outgoing sign can become isolated, and may binge-eat or become too lethargic to do anything. I wouldnt worry so much about it since you get along well and he is loving and emotive in private. December 19: Venus Retrograde in Capricorn. (if you dont know your Moon sign click here for my free chart wheel). Sure, this is depressing as hell, but we all need someone to ground us into reality. Pisces Moon is the most romantic of all the moons. Capricorn Moon and Inevitable Depression - moonwavvves These frisky creatures can change their mind or emotional state in a split second. Water sign Moons are sneaky, working in ways that make others feel guilty for having upset them. The worst case I've seen is when a Capricorn Sun is opposed by a Cancer M. Theyre passionate about travel and feel at home in other countries. Great Capricorn Moon qualities such as stability and loyalty to loved ones may also have downsides of remembering bad things for too long and being clingy to others. Electric and intense and passionate. So, backtalk is pretty much guaranteed. He was organized and planned all things. Needless to say, this fixed moon does not handle rejection well. Any situation will be considered in terms of how it can help to achieve ones goals/inspirations/hopes. You can even become obsessed with your feelings and have trouble focusing on anything else. Im happy Im out that relationship! Positive Loyal, adoring, sensual, committed, Shadow Stubborn, jealous, needy, materialistic. There is so much past life, karmic organic destiny between us its scary. Many have attributed it to being ones true nature, you at the core. The temper is titanic in this Moon, and they are prone to random explosions. In the male chart, Moon shows the type of woman that a man would like to marry. He has always been very practical and has never failed to give me advice from a logical perspective, which I appreciate. However, I seem to have Capricorns strategically placed in my life, as my sister is a cap sun, my son is a sun & moon cap, I have a friend who is a cap moon, her boyfriend is a cap sun & a special someone who is a libra sun, cap moon & happens to be related to my friends boyfriend. The dark side of the Libra Moon is the obsession with perfection. They can be labeled as pessimists, when they are actually realists that see things for what they are, not for what they want them to be. They. Today I find it slightly revolting when I recognize it but it still sometimes creeps up in other less obvious ways.. Old habits die hard. I was always aware from my earliest memories that my pain would (finally) produce my caregivers attention. Hi Mayra. Illusions make them feel safe. The dark side of the Virgo Moon is the critical eye. Theyre the strong ones, they feel like everyone is counting on them. Also I usually think I am here to make art, to create new and beautiful things. Enter US $21.00 or more [ 11 bids] Though its possible that they could also complement each other very well, too. Heres an alternative idea for Virgo moon: the stoic. Aries sun/Gemini moon and inhability to recognize my own emotions and how I feel about other people is me, also the inhability to shut up, specially when I feel offended and my aries temper doesnt help with my self control. Weekly Astrology February 6th 2023 for All Signs, Your December Tarotscope Pick A Tarot Card, Your Full Moon in Capricorn Tarotscope with Michele Knight-Waite.