To use Dark Knight optimally requires a lot of skill, and the player will have to be very careful of the hate threshold. I super appreciate it! If you do not have a Bozjan resistance relic weapon, simply use any weapon This can be merited in a few different ways to transform the ability which will be covered in the merits section. Dragoon is purely a zerging sub job, it does offer some non zerging benefits like Jump, Attack Bonus, and Accuracy Bonus, but overall none of those will be better than the subs listed above. Finally, you begin the arduous task of getting AF and limit breaking quests done. sync by queuing into Alphascape V2.0 (Savage) with the Unrestricted Party and Souleater also adds +25 accuracy while its up, which can help offset accuracy loss from Souleater enhancing items. Please add anything if it is needed, and take away anything that is either untrue or not needed. Dark knight beginner's guide finally out! Server: Cerberus. to spawn a notorious monster. Allot no more than 127 points into each substat for Dark Seal - Pretty good one point wonder, this works much like Elemental Seal where it gives you massive magic accuracy bonuses when casting 1 dark magic spell. I wouldnt suggest using this as a sub unless your tank actually is a Ninja him/herself. item level 375 sync by queuing into Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage) with the Sleep to build CE at first, but once you are capped or near capped on CE you can swap to Bind and Poison for cheaper/faster casts to maintain your VE. efficiency. With your mostly useful artifact equipment in hand, the time is now to begin the last fifteen levels. Contents 1 Notes 2 Dark Knight Equipment Chart Notes Additionally, one Direct Hit X and one Critical Hit Shout group ambuscade/dyna/whatever since sakpatas came out. These builds are current as of patch 6.3 and include sets for Guides are written by players, based upon their experiences, successes and mistakes, and are meant to aid other players. There's some validity to sliding Haste into this set if your using drain on cooldown for damage like against an HNM. Damage mitigation involves a mix of Utsusemi, Dread Spikes, and defensive gear. Instead, Dark Knight tank is played in the same way that RDM/NIN or NIN/DRK is played at end game: you spam high hate generation spells to keep the mob's attention on you. Other than the gloves, Last Resort Recast - This lowers Last Resort's recast down to 4:10 with max merits, which sounds great, more Last Resort who could be mad at that. TP set or any WS's ? Third Eye, acquired at Lv.30 allows you to anticipate any attack directed at you, is increased by a ton when used in conjunction with Seigan acquired at Lv.70. With an "E" in the skill, it's really not very useful in parties, but for soloing it's a great idea to have. . TP sets should be able to work with /WAR as well. Overview of Job Abilities, Traits, and Spells. You can 4-step (and more), and it will always beat a Liberator if you're geared/have enough buffs to do it consistently; which is most of the time. Thank you in advance and again sorry if its been discussed before. Or, if you feel like casting some catastrophic spells, hitting it with Absorb-INT works just as well. down to 2.44 GCD in exchange for ~0.5% of your DPS. Usually you will want to use this on cooldown just for more stats. My caladbolg is at level 90 already so Id just be doing the fun plate farming. The reason being, it doesnt add anything to your overall damage over time or anything else for that matter. are subject to change as more options are explored and more gear becomes replaced with Determination and one Critical Hit meld replaced with Direct Hit Nyzul Isle will add the Askar set which to be honest is not super good, the hallmark piece is the Feet which completely outclass Darksteel Leggings +1 for PDT and Coral Leggings +1 for MDT. I can't wait to check out the rest of your videos. At Lv.5 you get Arcane Circle, it's good against arcane monsters and it also will boost your party. Notable Weaponskills: Vorpal Blade. However, there may be differing opinions than those expressed in a guide. In Sky, the Dark Knight will be focusing more on stunning things like Meltdown, that can deal heavy damage to the party if not stunned in time. overcap as a result, indicated by red text on the melding screen. Both the 2.45 and 2.50 sets are recommended and have near-identical performance. Waist Piece. Thank you Kylos :) ya I have an afterglowd ragnarok and a 119 apoc already. with the same substats will perform identically. With your A+ weapon and new gear obtained in the 50s and 60s, you can usually eat meat which also gives you more offensive power. Still havent been beaten on a parse with it equipped. One cool thing most people don't know about this ability is that with 5/5 you don't need to use Hasso while it's up (because job ability haste caps at 25%) so you can use Seigan+Third Eye for defense. In theory this puts out good white damage, but white damage alone doesn't make up for the huge lack of WS damage you will have with this weapon. any slot you prefer, but the latter must be done on the crafted ring as it is Ambu/Escha/+2 AF is the general area of gear I'm working with atm. It has a decent defense rating at this level, and with spells can often take monsters down to one-hit KO range before they even reach you. Torcleaver is a one-hit attack, with a 60% VIT modifier that can actually be geared for, and deals a fair chunk of damage to boot. The damage is abysmal and the exclusive WS Scourge is legitimately one of the worst weaponskills ever made with its CHR/MND mod. meet currently than on release due to potency and system changes, so simply General stat priority is followed, with three Direct Hit melds Other then that you are actually hurting yourself because you only have 1 useful spell that becomes obsolete if you end up getting silenced anyway. sync by queuing into Eden's Verse: Furor (Savage) with the Unrestricted Party Dark Knight Guide 2022 Dream Ms Guide is not entirely linear in progression, some parts of the lower sections will supplement knowledge of the earlier sections i.e APQ from the Money Making Section will supplement levelling via apple roar from 108-174. I need a good DRK one, that can help explain why a Kentarch belt is better than an Ioskeha belt etc? Drop down and continue south to H-14. The Head has some use as a WS piece if you lack other options, and the body is mostly not good for Drk but can see use if you absolutely don't need accuracy in your body slot. Nasomi Community FFXI Server Board index International Jobs Dark Knight, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. Any three melds can be replaced so long as a given If used right before Absorb-TP, you can easily get 100% in a super short period of time. Maybe. This set is going to be the set you sit in when you are going to get hit, or just a standing around set for defensive purposes. :-/ and what grind i need to be on weapon wise to get a decent one? Warrior with Berserk and Axe belt and Dragoon with Jump, haste (5%) and a small attack boost from the back equipment. wrist, and second ring, respectively, but can be done on any other slots that If you are not at full HP this simply works as a normal drain spell, so make sure to be capped off on HP in order to gain the bonus max HP. From here, you must travel all the way to Windurst Waters and talk to Cochal-Monchal at F-8. Hasso and Seigan cant be used together, but are amazing when dealing damage and keeping yourself alive when you pull hate respectively. Up to date simple DRK gear swap?~ Phoenix.Habar: 17: 1337: 4 years 1 month. Where Dragoon shines is Wyvern Earring, which is a +5% haste earring that can only be active when subbing Drg. I assume the next best thing is judgement? When subbing Warrior, get yourself an Axe Belt for higher skill in them than even your Scythes and Great Swords. It reads like a seasoned veteran gently mentoring you. It lasts five minutes and can be recast every minute. Notable Weaponskills: None. High delay means that a missed swing is very detrimental for TP gain, moreso than missing with a lower delay weapon would be. Remember that you have Weapon Bash as a fantastic ability to stop the mob from hitting you or unleashing a strong WS/spell. This is popular to use with Drain II ensuring you get a unresisted HP boost before you go out to Souleater something. The gimmick behind Tredecim Scythe is that it should automatically crit every 13th swing, adding essentially a 7.69% crit rate ontop of the weapon. A Dark Knight without any Haste equipment and Str/Acc for weapon skill will deal as low as 50% the damage of a fairly well equipped Dark Knight with at least 15% haste in his equipment set. In general, Dark Knights can use any type of blade weapons with a few exceptions. Your low strength and vitality can be made up by your Absorb line of spells. "Glass Cannons" is the polar opposite of Paladin. Awesome name too. That said if you find yourself unable to use souleater on cooldown because of MP constraints, maybe it's not the right merit for you. It's important to keep in mind the people you're playing with. Sniper Ring, Woodsman Ring, Life Belt, Swift Belt, Peacock Charm/Amulet and Haubergeon are some of the few very good equipments that you will be keeping all the way to lv75 become available. The tome pants for savage release requires capping tomes on the week of normal mode If x-hit was your focus for armadaberk for TP body, what about embrava set? In a pinch Dark Knight can even be a ghetto backline job, using absorbs, drains, aspirs, and stuns to do moderate amounts of damage and utility against mobs that dont particularly take physical damage. Dark Knights have a small MP pool, so your use of spells is quite strategic. Enmity is the only stat that matters, just swap this in before using Souleater/Last Resort to spike your enmity even higher. Allot no the feet. This is the sub you want to have, it may not always be the right choice because Ninja sub offers significantly stronger defenses, but if you can you should sub Samurai. threshold with the same substats can be substituted at no loss. a tiny bit more HP with a negligible hit to DPS. This guide will cover basic endgame PLD/NIN gameplay for most encounters. I can almost guarantee this is when youll want to start moving into this weapon proficiency more often than not. Thief sub also allows access to Treasure Hunter for farming and camping NMs, and also gives a really decent bonus to dexterity for accuracy purposes. haha well i'm at work atm and i've yet to unlock it i'm sure i have a decent amount of gear for it from other jobs or can get it atleast. Just use a Kraken Club and Haste/HP gear. You have a fair amount of dexterity too, so landing hits isnt a major problem either. a cost of about 0.3% DPS output but adds some wiggle room in execution. percent of the alternatives, you still need to keep this gap in mind. This set has a lot of personal expression in it. The last- and second-to-last steps of the Bozjan Unrestricted Party and Minimum IL options enabled. It can also be played as a tank at end game levels, relying on spells to generate aggro and mitigating damage with dread spikes, drains, and utsusemi. Personally I want to keep as much offensive pressure as I can in my PDT set so I just choose to swap in specifically PDT pieces. Dont rely on it to save your hide until Lv.30 comes around. Your guide ties things up beautifully. He The last- and second-to-last steps of Dark Knight Guide 2022 Dream Ms Guide is not entirely linear in progression, some parts of the lower sections will supplement knowledge of the earlier sections i.e APQ from the Money Making Section will supplement levelling via apple roar from 108-174. . You can replace any Direct Hit meld with Skill Speed in any slot that won't FINAL FANTASY is a . Expect a lot of foes to fall at your hands when that occurs. Now, since Dark Knight is about as frail as a Black Mage but with metal armor, I dont suggest you use this after about Lv.15 unless its really necessary. Again, youll be hard-pressed finding parties, but now youll be even better in them. Apoc VS Calad: Fenrir.Puciato: 34: 2262: 4 years 1 month. This playstyle has almost entirely vanished on Eden, as with proper gearing and buffing, even on the hardest mobs you will likely have buffs and be able to just sub Sam or Nin to melee the mob down, which results in far more damage than the spike of SAWS. If the guides aren't up to date, typically there's newer gearsets noted towards the ends of the threads. Soloing these levels is quite annoying, even for a melee job. Thanks. i've been playing sam but havent been enjoying it as much as i used to. I actually have Lycurgos for RUN and I considered building around that but ultimately I ended up doing Dolichenus and Decimation. compatibility with the sets for other tank jobs. All FFXI content and images . Dark Knights are melee damage dealers specializing in the use of Great Swords and Scythes. If you have cleared the Dragonsong's Reprise already and have a These sets are specifically for The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate), The weapon, hands, feet, earring, neck, and wrist listed must be exact, but This also means that compared to my previous guides, Warrior and Samurai, there is much less black and white to Dark Knight's play style. The Dragonsong's Reprise (DSU/DSR) Sets, 8. These are all great points. desired GCD speed is perfectly adequate. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide: Quetzacoatl: 6120: 982748: 3 weeks 4 days. To make up for the lack of Skill Speed on gear, this set replaces ten Direct Im kidding, of course. Also, equipments for these parties are heavily focused on Haste for normal attacks and Str/Acc for weapon skill. This page and some of the guides contained are a work in progress. Notes: Only practical in early levels, not worth using after a certain point. UCOB syncs to item level 345, and synced gear must be item level 470 or For those wishing to run 2.50. If you want to lower the recast you can use items like Homam and Dusk which have combination high HP and haste, plus save you a bit of inventory. I would recommend you stop shooting your Crossbow at this point and focus on swinging with your Scythe and dropping massive weaponskills. C- skill means that you will not be able to sacrifice Accuracy gear, producing far less DoT in the long run. Judgment is superior to Black Halo, so yeah. higher for maximum value on both substats. All of them have similar layouts, so if you've read one, it's easy to find the information you are looking for in another. Remember, it wont work unless the monster actually has TP. Hasso, Lv.50, boosts your strength by between 3-5 (when subbed), increases your accuracy by 5, and gives you 10% quicker attack speed. LOL @ the colibri on Redemption. This is good sometimes, and literally useless sometimes, and deciding between this and Last Resort Recast is a challenge all Dark Knight's face. Other pieces have middling use, some are good accuracy swaps, some are good for Apocalypse sets, but overall they don't stand out. Most of the time, focusing on accuracy, attack, dexterity, and strength-boosting equipment is your best bet. All FFXI content and images 2002-2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. Aeonic Im working on lionheart for my runefencer. DRK fills additional roles in an auxiliary fashion such as: An off-tank (with some finagling as a main tank); Replacing the Every other stat is just filler, and honestly it's hard to even tell which is better. Really comprehensive guide! Exceptions to the general stat priority are one Critical Hit IX replaced with The choice is up to the player. DRK has no Fencer and Last Resort haste doesn't apply to 1h build, so generally your 2h REMA will be better than Loxotic, unless its something like skeletons, where I think they resist slashing by 75% in C and they take bonus blunt damage. the other pieces are just examples; any gear above the optimal sync threshold Absorb-STR, DEX, and TP are great spells that can help boost either stat where you need it most. However, some other leg wear are better (lv55 ones are great). Alternatively, simply replace one Critical Hit with Determination in The DPS requirement for the encounter is Blood Weapon is an amazing concept, but ultimately fails to deliver as a two-hour ability. and our So you can use the gear suggested for a Torcleaver/Greatsword build(Resolution builds use another set thou)For Ambuscade GreatSword Nandaka Ground strike build.for Savage blade build with Naegling, for Ambuscade Scythe(Drepanum) Spiral Hell buildfor Apoclypse Relic scythe Catastrophe buildfor Anguta and cross reaper spam(entropy is another ws set)All the scythe builds for ws use ratri gear 4/5 or 3/5, but these sets also work just fine.So use whichever weapon you prefer, but this is mainly for the Great Axe build and it's a strong one!0:00 Intro1:38 Ranting3:23 Intro continues7:26 Drain 3 set13:44 Drain3 Example Self SC14:20 Drain3 Weaponbash+Keen Edge14:47 Drain3 \"Free nuke\"15:27 Drain3 In Dynamis-Divergence talk and tips16:20 TP Set22:43 Hybrid Set24:21 Armor Break WS SET26:23 Steel Cyclone, Upheaval \u0026 Fell Cleave WS Set30:45 Dread Spike Set31:18 Endark Set34:22 Self Skillchain Opener34:50 Self Skillchain Other35:15 OutroWeapon bash+Ignominy Gauntlets Skillchains for different weapons to use drain III Magic burst easy on: to more DRK gearsets that you can aim for after this: outdated, has some good info and some gear still relevant of course: helpful beginner links DRK guide! knight Gearswap Lua file you want to see me play live I stream over on Twitch multiple times a week, make sure to check me out over there at: you can catch me Live here on YouTube!Social media our discord channel! and donate------------------------------------Paypal\u0026business=JDAVLD4NPV5YW\u0026currency_code=SEK\u0026source=url----------------------------------------Patreon you enjoyed this video and found it helpful, smash that like and subscribe button and leave a comment. Gimmick fights like JoL /DRG or JoP /WAR . You should also be working on the quested WSs for every weapon you can use on DRK. Flamma Ring is a good choice instead of Rajas as well. It also allows you to upgrade your relic armor to +1 versions which gives additional dark magic skill and stats. Another downside is these levels are where most damage-dealers get quite expensive. Dark Knight excels in two types of weapons: Great Swords and Scythes. Samurai is Drk's highest DPS sub job for normal play as a melee DPS. Is it better to use them seperately and take the lower recast? Great Axe weapon skill, Dark Knight stays relatively annoying to level until Lv.30 when you get. You can also cast spells like Absorb-TP, which if timed well can give you huge chunks of TP to increase your damage and lower the mob's damage. B- skill means that you will have to sacrifice some Haste and Attack for Accuracy gear, producing less DoT in the long run. Congratulations! This is the recommended set for DSR and aligns nicely with each phase. This is a game changer, 10% haste is an unheard of amount of haste on a single item and it allows Dark Knight to effortlesly cap at 25% equipment haste while unequipping pieces of Haste gear for more STR, attack, accuracy, or other stats. These levels are both quite nice and really bad for Dark Knights. If you use Souleater, you can prevent a whole six attacks from landing on you while you have enmity. Warrior gives a nice boost to strength and dexterity, plus a trait for defense boost, and one of the most useful damage-dealing job abilities in the game: Berserk. Thief is not a good sub job in my opinion, and I put it here purely to talk about why you shouldn't use this. What about the club that hits eight times per hit! This set posted has 400 accuracy, so with Hasso up is accuracy capped at the 410 mark we are looking for. Einherjar adds the two pieces of Valhalla gear, which are great pieces for PDT and tanking sets. And how well exactly does afterglow calad hold up? Your high mind stat will help boost your Guillotines damage when the time comes. Weapon Grade: B- Traveler's Mantle. Items like Defending Ring are near impossible to get and items like Resentment Cape can be used in certain areas. Once you go past 300 skill, all you need to worry about is magic accuracy. Fending, and the helm with an Asphodelos Circlet of Fending. Then, you restore that 100 HP and also deal all that extra damage. Also make sure to look me up on twitter and other social media for other final fantasy 11 related stuff.Thanks again and Ill see you guys in Vana'diel!Peace out Riki/Datsik But was curious does the aeonic stack up well to the other scythes? overcap on the chosen substat as a result, indicated by red text in the melding While they have a respectable rating in Elemental Magic, the bulk of their magic usage comes from casting Dark Magic spells. about ~0.4% DPS output but adds some wiggle room in execution. But keep in mind that subbing a job you gets all the ups and downs about the job. Whatever you do, dont use your Chaosbringer weapon that you get from finishing Dark Knight. Additionally replace the chest or pants with a synced Note: All weapons are being discussed for general usage, although I may reference more specific uses (zerging notably); this will be discussed in detail later. It depends on the situation, the healer's ability to support the Souleater usage, and many other things. Dark Knight is a greatsword-swinging tank job with a focus on resource management, burst damage, and proper application of frequent, short-duration defensive cooldowns. Twitch: brought to you by the "Real Rosa" RosafarrelliCheck him out overe here: . If not all the way to Lv.75, then at least to Lv.50 or so. melding menu. I personally think this is a good choice for a category 1 merit, allowing you to get to your next big souleater WS a minute earlier, or if your lucky enough with enough backline you can ride the whole souleater duration. Not sure of your augments of course but just to start get the Flamma head and feet +2 and see about getting an Utu Grip and Omen rings.