There is no typical hair color or weight, as people with Gemini rising personalities can be born into all ethnicities and all types of family genetics. Gemini ascendants are curious about everything and want to be constantly learning. This is because she finds it difficult to accept anything less than a deep and genuine passion within her own feelings. They are of slim build and of average to tall height, with a supple, slender, and nervous musculature. A Gemini ascendant man is not bothered about who is the dominant partner in the relationship and they are more interested in the games of seduction. They lead a very active social life and maintaining that lifestyle is important to them. Gemini rising can seem like they change for their partner. You are more intellectual than physical, and nutrition is not your first concern. Your health is usually good thanks to your great energy and stamina. They like to read and to travel because these activities help them accumulate more information. Cancer rising is reliable in the midst of adversity. They usually are persons of good taste and they are reluctant to show off.. Psychology and Physical Appearance of people born in 12 Ascendants Your astrological signature is said to be the signs of your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant or rising sign. The Gemini sun Sagittarius rising alliance is a highly original personality. You are not a vegetarian, and like a lion, you enjoy eating double or triple servings of grilled meat. How gemini rising appearance - Lindaland - Linda Goodman While their actions can hurt others, it is never deliberate. Very often the relationship of Gemini rising with siblings is intense - for better or worse - ie. They are particularly adaptable, and manage to fit in and ingratiate themselves wherever they go. Your health is very strong. Recognizing Gemini Ascendants by their Physical Appearance. Being an airy sign the Gemini ascendant is blessed with a prowess for mental ability surpassing their physical abilities too. In social situations, they are seen as engaging and interesting because of their diverse knowledge. To take matters even further and deeper, it really boils down to how much time, effort and energy . They may be different from your outward appearance, which is influenced by your Ascendant sign. The latter is more moral and spiritual, and the former, practical and much more physical. They can also be harshly critical to their family members if they do not act or live in accordance to their level or standards. Gemini ascendants are good at multitasking and they do not entertain a single career option. On the other hand, you are generally picky and demanding regarding the quality and the variety of what you eat. . Their love for learning is attributed not only to their curiosity but their ability to retain information. It's your rising sign that differentiates you from others born on the same day. Rising Signs by Appearance - My Astrology Blog Due to their vulnerability in these areas, they may also experience asthma. Scorpio rising: Fixed, intense gaze (but this can be found in Scorpio suns too) Virgo rising: Narrower face/features, youthful cast, and sprightly expression. In matters of the heart, they will attract an array of different signs. She likes men who are easy going, has new ideas and has big dreams. In social gatherings conversations with a Gemini ascendant can be engaging and interesting which is entirely due to their wit and overall knowledge of things around them. A native of this ascendant tried hard to heed to his true calling. A Gemini ascendant could really do well physically and mentally if they practice yoga or meditation. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, deal and write about stock market, sports, politics, arts and literature, religion and Vedic rituals, will paint with pure imagination, will have intelligence, will have attractive physique and will perform obscene dances. You are a great listener, and you are also open and happy to share your own experiences. Your appetite is quite moderate, and in some cases, you do not feel hungry at all. Gemini Rising With Mercury on the ascendant, your appearance is unembellished yet prominent. However, since you have a nervous and quite compulsive nature, you keep on analysing everything around you, including your own health. Air Signs: What to Know About Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius Your mind is in a state of perpetual alert, and therefore, burnout or nervousness problems may affect you. This duality in this case presents itself in mood swings or their temperament. Zodiac Sign Scorpio Ascendant Gemini: Characteristics and Appearance. So while Leo Cancer romances might not be a match made in heaven personality wise, their Ascendant physical traits could create an undeniable attraction. Gemini is a Mutable Air sign - which means you need change and variety to feel alive. Gemini sign in 1st house gives one good height with very attractive features like nose and lips. Libra Ascendant - Personality, Characteristics And Basic Traits A Complete Guide on Gemini Ascendant, Gemini Rising: Find Out How is a It goes without saying that your life is not a long quiet river Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, the sex, the prostate gland, the anus, and the intestines. Physical Appearance and Favourite Colours. You may suffer from headaches, migraines, or issues involving the face. Gemini Ascendant Personality - Character, traits for Gemini Rising Sign Physical Appearance By Rising Sign, According To Jensen It also affects their compatibility with other signs. You also have an inner glow, which tends to shine through in your clear and healthy-looking complexion. You are always questioning and learning, and you seem young and alive no matter what your chronological age -- your mind is always alert, curious, flexible, and open to new experiences. A Gemini ascendant should also make sure to keep themselves well exercised to boost their immunity and to counter various illnesses that could afflict them. A Complete Guide on Aquarius Ascendant, Aquarius Rising | Know A Gemini ascendant may suffer from minor speech impediments. Gemini risings often have a heart-shaped face and large, round eyes. The Gemini rising sign lends to those born under this sign a two-faced personality, one that is more human than any other. Gemini Ascendant - Gemini Rising Sign - Mithuna Lagna - Indastro Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Aquarius. Even if you do not have your natal chart analysis, these two pieces of information are most likely to provide you with three-thirds of your actual physical portrait. Similarly to Taurus people, who are definitely more active than you, there is a danger that, with time, you put on too much weight because you do not practice enough outdoors or sports activity. Virgo Sun Gemini Rising | Virgo Ascendant Gemini: Characteristics Their favourite colours are white and black. The potential dangers are gastric ulcer, indigestion, and colitis. A Gemini ascendant may have to go through a divorce a few times in his life and this is mainly due to his inability to settle down at one place or with one person. In any case, it is always astonishing, and this is precisely what Aquarius people enjoy since it matches their nature. You need simple, light, and varied foods with many vegetables and mixed salads, and not necessarily a lot of meat since you have no intense physical activity. Love and Marriage for the Gemini Ascendant. They are usually on the lookout for invigorating activities to keep themselves mentally and physically. People born under Pisces rising are often physically small, but their energy takes up more space than it appears. However, you must be aware that in the long run, in your fifties, you may suffer from weight problems. In any case, there are no overweight issues looming on the horizon because everything you gain is burnt in fiery sports activities and a wild life rhythm. are ideally suited for jobs which would require these skills, such as writers, journalists, reporters, teachers or professors. In addition to a stellium of planets and the Midheaven in Gemini, he has a beautiful Pluto-Venus conjunction in Leo trine Mars in Aries. Gemini Ascendant: Personality Traits and Characteristics The Ascendant, which is Latin for "rising" or "of the rising", is the zodiac sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at the moment of a person's birth. They dont like to feel restrained or tied down, and they dont want a partner who is emotionally dependent on them. They are overall skinny and don't really have any matter with weight. Taurus rules the throat and neck, so taurus risings will often have noticeable neck areas- either thick and "bull-like" or long and graceful. He is also unhappy with his wife and is deficient in sexual pleasures. If you are born under Gemini ascendant, you live in the moment. Read this personality profile and discover the truth about Gemini ascendant. Of course, this doesnt mean that no one gets hurt. They are very quick and limber when it comes to their gait, conversing with others and even when they are eating. The contrary would take the biscuit Actually, you have no limits. In his case, Aries features are obviously prevailing in his outward appearance. Gemini Rising Sign: Gemini Ascendant Traits, Appearance, and Compatibility They are athletic, of average height and build, with fair or red hair, a protruding arch of the eyebrows, tan complexion, a virile deportment for males, and a dynamic one for females. Your rising sign is the sign that was on the horizon at the moment of your birth. Their cool exterior also makes them attractive as they dont make a big fuss about unfavorable situations going on in their life. Your appetite is quite hearty because you are extremely resistant and tough and you need a sufficient amount of replenished energy. You find everything interesting and fascinating. The features are fine and seem cut with a chisel, with deep-set and serious eyes. When Gemini is ascending in a birth chart, the person tends to have a quick, alert mind. As a result, air signs are also good communicators, researchers, and journalists. Your health is very strong. In this article, we deal with the physical appearance, health, and dietary habits which are associated with the Ascendant or the Sun sign. Always looking for a new venture, you most definitely possess an entrepreneurial side. Since our rising signs have such an influence in the way we present ourselves, it also plays a role in our outward appearance. Pisces being in the tenth house brings about the indecisiveness in deciding on their singular career path and the unwillingness to settle down. Therefore, Venus influences their heavy inclination and love for beauty, art, music and nature. Attraction begins with first impressions. Example : French Olympic judoka champion David Douillet. This blog post is applicable for anyone born when Gemini was rising on the east horizon. definitely not modest . The Gemini ascendant natives usually have darker shades of brown when it comes to their hair colour. For instance, if you are a Taurus with a Scorpio Ascendant, your must FIRSTLY read Scorpio for hints on health, behaviour, and above all, physical appearance and food. This doesnt mean that you are overly humble, but you certainly arent self-entitled. A Gemini ascendant is prone to have medical issues related to their hands, fingers or forearms. Let's get back to our Taurus Sun with a Scorpio Ascendant example. A Gemini ascendant may not reveal their feelings quite often but they are caring lovers and husbands. These individuals are unpredictable and are naturally sensual. They face a lot of enemies in their life . The Rising Sign or the Ascendant is what defines how you present yourself to the world, including your looks. The person underneath stays strong and true. You are quite frail, but you have a good and reasonable nature.