they likely feel apart from the world - whether by choice or otherwise is the question. Palliative care is the comfort care a person receives when diagnosed with a terminal illness that will likely end in death. Especially if its crossing over the degree of your Imun Coeli (IC) point. you likely misconstrue the intentions and emotions of those around you - not everything is what it seems. you should realize that monsters are just misunderstood, unique people - there lies a healthy balance in believing you are a god or a monster. *all of these observations are based on anatal chart- solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*. while im being creative, expressing myself ? It may be hard for you to feel as if what youre saying has worth and power during this time, and there lays a heavy burden within this, communication in your life and understanding may be lacking from the people closest to you. so lets skip that part. you may find that you have something to prove - it is often to someone bigger than those around you and that is yourself. if it bothers you and they care about you, then it should bother them as well. 3h: you have a powerful mind - like medusa you have power that requires very little effort. yea, im convinced that im going to meet my romantic partner in business-like setting - its all too earthy to be anything else (PUT THE MONEY IN THE BAG). i speak very eloquently yet cryptically like cheshire. Physically, watch for problems with the throat and endocrine system. Like I read this thing a long ass time ago about Mercury in the 7th either having 2 really long relationships or having 2 marriages. you might provide asylum for those who faced similar circumstances to yours. yep, you arent wrong lol. as for 2h: banks, via your mothers siblings, could be at your public enemys funeral:), via your grandfather, through nephews and nieces, through step siblings, etc. You could also run into issues of power and control with authority figures who you deem overbearing, making it difficult for you to hone your own powers. You are a Number 3 if you have 3rd, 12th . another fun one is an asteroid named endo - endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women. you may be doing nothing wrong yet everyone is sensitive to your actions, if not, simply your presence. IN MY OPINION Lucubratio can be used to tell you a) how well you work at night, b) in what area you are most productive at night, and/or c) if you could be considered nocturnal. medusa-poseidon (4341): positive aspects: you likely attract powerful men - tempting them to double-cross people whom they already have an iffy relationship with. What to expect in the air: Saturn is still home in Aquarius here, the sense of revolution is becoming stronger within the community. not to be pitiful but i tend to be given the grunt work or jobs no one else wants to do. you have to look at the persona chart of the ruler of your 7h: when you are in the rulers persona then look for the sign and house of jupiter, the moon, or venus. Saturn in this very house gives a lot of wealth in old age and also popularity in villages or towns. opening the mail? you may cause people in a public setting to step back or flee from your presence. naives may feel as though they lack freedom or have too much of it and feel rather alone and that no one cares for them in this world. However, when we talk about marriage in astrology, let us consider it a long-term relationship between man and women, which will later convert into the family. 7h mars; mars is both ambition and assertion with passion both are generally found in proposals. One can read many more such things on marriage astrology on my website, write a mail or call my office on +91 9278665588/9278555588. all i really need is how about bacchus (2063)? PLEASE ALWAYS CHECK MY MASTERLIST TO SEE IF I HAVE DONE THE ASTEROID. NEPTUNE: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around five months. they simply knew of her and lusted for her. negative aspects: you may not be mentally aware of what goes on around you - medusa had no clue the athenian worshipers were worshipping her. Treating others with respect is essential. libra (7, 19): you are likely a people pleaser, and this, of course, makes you captivating. mercury-saturn and/or jupiter-saturn; its giving til death do we part vibes also saturn is fidelity so these two aspects are good indicators that the proposal with be that of long-term commitment. OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: alice (291), marchare (6736), redqueen (17681), and lewiscarrol (6984)! you may find yourself working in an area where you help to house or care for women: you may be a cleaner for postpartum women, a hairdresser for depressed women, a director of safe housing for battered women, etc. This is an important turning point in your life especially if it crosses over your Midheaven (MC) point, youre being called to prove your worth in society as an important asset through your abilities. they are less likely to pay it forward to others - it may be due to past experiences, no good deed goes unpunished. their judgment may be either too realistic or too impractical. say thank you or smile at the person who does something helpful or kind for you. be careful with makeup use - you may find that it shocks others and even yourself and can be dangerous for those who struggle with dysmorphia. negative aspects: you could resonate with medusas fall from grace with athena - you too may understand what it is like to be punished for something you didnt do. medusa-asc: positive aspects: you may be beautiful to others though you do very little at first glance - viewed more so as an ornament. where constantia is for me and how it affects me personally: 7h in virgo at 29 - give me loyalty or give me death (constantia conjunct mars - courtesy of my abandonment issues). they may feel unseen and unappreciated by others, making it extremely difficult to appreciate themselves. IN MY OPINION Otzi in a chart can show you a) where your enemies are likely to strike you down, b) where people tend to examine you the most, and/or c) where you cause a lot of speculation. A strict reassessment of your daily life and what you put into your body becomes heightened, a sense of redirecting energy into hard work and becoming more serious about what it is you do is important during this time. my advice for surviving this retrograde: be proactive - sometimes having a ritual helps. she was religious before and after her transformation; some may deem that it was the only thing that kept her grounded. 9h: you may travel away from where you were born to start a journey involving higher thinking, wisdom, and/or religion. these people frequently struggle with spirituality - not knowing what to trust or if its a good idea to be all in with a group mentality when it comes to following faith. Usually, people read the daily horoscope in newspapers and also read predictions on various websites and magazines etc. Aldrin was the second man on the moon. This may make the individuals focused more on looking strong than working on the fundamentals of the relationships. It is thought that tzi was murder due to the arrowhead found embedded in his left shoulder and other wounds. taurus - venus. Could be a marriage indicator. they may not have a solid definition of pure or have a skewed opinion of pure, holding everyone to a high standard of pure or none at all. MARS retrograde people are people that not as assertive as the rest of those around them. The 2nd house represents the family and any addition to the family. find confidence in the future and surely nothing will go wrong. they may hate rivalries with others. The balance of day and night is what keeps the earth fertile. even the teachers. USE THIS AS MOMENTARY FOR TRANSITS AND LONG-TERM WHEN PRESENT IN YOUR NATAL CHART. after talking with the person who i needed to fix things with or getting the object mended - do i feel like this object/relationship was worth the time and energy expending? they may not be devoted to others after the others do something extremely kind to them. i believe that if MERCURY is retrograde, people have a slower manner of speaking or i always find that they need speed to be faster (2x on youtube videos type vibes). where bascom is for me and how it affects me personally: 9h in sagittarius at 13 - i love me some crystals. my advice for surviving this retrograde: tread lightly, as they say, eris retrograde is like walking on thin ice. PLUTO retrograde people may experience a lot or very minimal death and change in their life - during this retrograde you may experience a death or life-changing event. they may be haunted by their past. they may be incredible with makeup and use it to become a different person or have a strong dislike towards makeup. thus nearly everyone around the world feels the same way. freightliner cascadia manual regen not allowed; non academic awards for high school students you may get overly anxious when things do not go as planned: medusa was out for water when poseidon appeared and everything spiraled out of control. negative aspects: you may attract people who like to use people - this could indicate sexual assault or manipulation. When positively aspected, it supports good communication in a relationship. she didnt give up; she did what she could in the moments leading up to her rape. This is a difficult transit to work with, you can go through a death of a close family member or someone you idolized, and have difficulty with their assets and become responsible or liable in a way. IN MY OPINION Lev tolstoj and/or alexejtolstoj in a chart can indicate a) your realistic point of view or how you write in terms of realism, b) where you may be seen as great, c) where you may not receive the prize for your incredible work though it is widely respected and loved, and/or d) where you may inspire political change. my advice for surviving this retrograde: daily check-ins. get a cat lmao. part of this may be divine intervention - if athena granted medusa, her most dedicated follower, the ability to recognize others intentions, she would have been extremely powerful and possibly a goddess on earth. reach out to someone youve not spoken to in a while. so have no fear if you feel doubt; tell yourself its because if you didnt have those moments, youd be unstoppable/inhuman. or everyone else? choose your joy first. IN MY OPINION Leonardo in your chart can represent a) where you may be seen as well-learned and well-versed, b) how you are seen as a jack of all trades, and/or c) where the work you do now will likely out live you. in the case of a traumatic experience, please do not keep it to yourself - its not okay, and you may be in shock or feel embarrassed that it happened but please know that it is sadly common. Hellou:] founD myselF intrigued for a post about a random asteroid you have a dear conection with (or one u like a lot?) dont comment when provoked or just to do so - think before you say things. What is the disposition a person takes while indulging in karma? they may not like social functions finding them uncomfortable or anxiety-invoking. i suspect that when medusas rage was over, she did feel sorry or pain regarding turning people to stone. medusa-jupiter: you may feel safest when you feel like you have received a lot of luck recently, in religious settings, around your husband, at university, when traveling, and/or when indulging in life, but these situations may cause you danger. Marriage is such a phase of life, in which one must take care not only of one's own but also of the other person's feelings equally. word may travel quickly about your presence alerting everyone where you are. This is shown by the 10th house. so ill be honest with you all, im a walking health hazard. taurus (2, 14, 26): you entrance those around you in the same way medusa did. for the love of the gods PLEASE AVOID ANYTHING THAT MAY RESULT IN AN ER VISIT: no bungee jumping for the first time, tubing, hand gliding, etc. where madhatter is for me and how it affects me personally:9h in sagittarius at 1 - lmao tell me this isnt true. they could be maximalists or minimalists have no in between. you likely are focused to deal with your faults and other peoples. Its important to remember though that it may not be easy for us to personally understand or relate to the composite chart between us and others. Lova is an asteroid with no known origin but is most similar to the word lover. you never have to fear, you always be known/remembered. there is often a struggle with optimism - these people are realists or pessimists by nature. please read the MERCURY section as well because MERCURY is the roman aspect of hermes. its okay to let go - if a lot of feelings arise ask yourself: is this a positive feeling (keep) or a negative feeling (next question)? in the case of the ones not related to mythology, i DM the asker and tell them that its been added to my asteroids that arent getting more attention than this part _ post. The 10th house is the house of karma. you simply have higher priorities. take what resonates and leave what doesnt! Constantia is the Latin word meaning constancy. this is a time in which people may write slower. This is a clean slate at living a life you can build for yourself and others, its essential to make the right choices. you may even find yourself saying things that others in your family have said when upset. First, because we are in the relationship, it is difficult for us to view it from a 3rd party like the composite chart does. you may be divinely connected to the spirit realm. please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next! Basically I've seen Pluto in 11th = earning power over people, Saturn in 11th = earning respect and titles, Venus in 11th = earning love or money (wealth indicator), Neptune in 11th = earning a prophecy, deep undivided loyalty & glamour, Mercury in 11th = earning your name to be widespread, knowledge & fast results. The 'Sun/Moon' midpoint is a degree thatwhen activated by transit or progressionsuggests major changes in the relationship. I had planned to become an obstetrician. this could be an area in which you are insecure - feeling as though you need to be achieving things to be loved. you may be estranged from your family due to differences in values/opinions. they may not be trusting toward women - it may take time to warm up to them. look into other places with other power structures and investigate/plan how you can make your life happen there! The meaning of the word marriage has taken multiple directions off late. The expression eureka originates in Greece as the term heurka meaning I have found it. Now the word is a popular expression used when someone is overjoyed with their discovery. i do think i set a standard for the type of partner i want very strictly though (no shit 7h, 25, libra - thats all). Libra (Saturn in the 5th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through your creativity, romance, children, art, passions and hobbies. 2nd house/lord- longevity of spouse, family life. Your name can tell a lot about your life partner. Below are the asteroids related to different aspects of your life or talents. Fyodor Dostoevsky was a famous Russian writer. this could be backed by my aldrin quintile mercury and square saturn. negative aspects: a feminine may be jealous or even paranoid over your presents around them. medusa-ceto (65489): positive aspects: you may be a strong feminine figure similar to your mother. she won the congregation over with her thoughts and ideas of worship then drew people in based on her looks. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. Venus is a significant planet when we talk of marriage. Yoga and meditation is a highly recommend self healing process, to understand the messages the universe is sending your way for a complete self revolution. Actor enjoyed Peleus company so much so that he not only absolved him, but gave him a third of his kingdom. Saturn was in Cancer which falls in his 11th which is trine to 7th house. you likely are a bit too stuck in your mind to focus on the body language around you. you could be seen as glamorous by onlookers. negative aspects: you may not have wanted to become like your mother, but it happened/happens. Byron also brought the idea of a flawed talent into the Romantic movement. so you may get that similar spiel - sleep easy knowing that youll be remembered by all. practice active listening to others - you may be a realist while some one else is a dreamer, a healthy balance is somewhere in between. ask questions are let out once or twice a day. Physically, watch for problems with your teeth, knees, and the skeletal system. Car troubles are common so watch for road mishaps and accidents, this could be a time to learn to drive, getting a license, or simply moving up in learning or your community. this post is very different and long. @vernalagniastuff i just responded to someone who also as a leo jupiter so please look for that in the comments. The epic recounts a tale in which Telemachus searches for his father, Odysseus. For men, it also signifies his wife. make sure you are being safe. its hard for them to turn strong emotion into a passion. Here get a free marriage prediction by using a free calculator to suggest your prospect of succeeding in a post -marriage Astro-session. usually i post one myth and one random ask thats not a myth. (Capricorn shows architects) Mars in 10th individuals is usually shown in successful doctor's natal charts. meeting your person, getting engaged, and getting married, mars-uranus aspects, 10h, and the north node, moving homes or traveling in continent or internationally. they fell or have some type of foot problem now. gossip may be a downfall for them or stir up worse situations for them. try something new each week. in my aphrodite signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post i presented retrograde as though the effects everyone is about to read are slower to develop than those who have a direct asteroid - this post will be a breakdown similar to that post, reflecting on the planets and five common asteroid i see retrograded in a chart and advice for each retrograde. you have to look at the persona chart of the ruler of your 7h: aries - mars. you love having a duty or task which you must perform for others - it adds to feeling useful. warning i can be harsh: please dont take everything i say as predestined,astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. my 7h ruler is in my 8h thats like banking so like :p okeyyyy. this placement has a lot to do with romantic partnerships - i want to be a power couple (constantia quintile pluto) i cant do that if my partner doesnt want that as well or is simply not there. having a busy mind like yours, like I said, causes your thoughts to be read by others in a nonverbal manner. Answer (1 of 4): Rdhe Ka! where bella is for me and how it affects me personally: 8h in libra at 29 - bruh its not easy being this sexy. Constancy is a noun that describes the quality of being enduring, dependable, reliable, and trustworthy. practice patience; people will always be at your throat with this retrograde, just breathe and smile all the while calling them an asshole in your head :). The ultimate marriage aspects in astrology are the 'Sun/Moon' midpoint aspects. self-care. pluslets not forgetorbs matter, dominance matters, etc. my advice for surviving this retrograde: try something new and different from your norm. you likely have a hyper-specific passion that drives your world. * Jupiter in the 7th you dont follow without question - you ask why. where lova is for me and how it affects me personally:6h in virgo at 6 - haha this is where it gets interesting. my advice for surviving this retrograde: take time away from social media. you may be the unspoken ruler/leader of your circle of people. make to-do lists. your birthing experience may feel rather easy or be a cesarean section. they may daydream or use substances frequently to help escape from their reality. His memoir was burned by his publisher after the work detailed his bisexual relations. The result given by the Marriage calculator is generic in mature and some aspects of the result in . BUT let me set some boundaries because it is slightly frustrating me now that i have less time with senior year plus less details in asks. And my boyfriend has that and it made me anxious because I love him and I dont want to be without him. Michelangelo created one of the most famous, if not the most famous, nudes of all time - David. you may be conserving your virginity just like this famous gorgon. mercury (gemini or virgo) ruled 7h - no, i wouldnt count degrees in this. leo (5, 17, 29): you have a way of standing out to those around you - its a mystical air - everything about you demands attention! i truly click with dostoevskys thoughts, it shows in the moon and mercury trining his asteroid in my chart. i recognize that you disagree. negative aspects: you may experience a physical change that takes a toll on your social life and mental health. the myths and legends of astrology - best used with :). my advice for surviving this retrograde: if you are hanging around a bad group stay away from them. listen to new music. the 8h is also slightly spiritual, so you may find that you are a devoted subject just like this gorgon in terms of a cause or being. * Venus Sextile/Trine/conjunct Saturn doesnt matter how far you fall you will always rise from the ashes - even in death she lived on. another very odd example is currency; even those who are famous with minor aspects between this asteroid and mars have been featured on coins! you decide what happens next. medusa-mc: positive aspects: you may be seen as someone to look up to in terms of your values. positive aspects: you may receive a lot of independence and freedom in your lifetime. Maybe making a shift from education to career. your relationship with your mother may have been tense due to differing beliefs though your mother respected you and let you explore your thoughts and ideas. this is enforced by the cheshirecat sextile mercury - i tend to confuse a lot of people when giving advice that ends up being just what they needed (also confirmed in the persona chart with a 3h stellium (moon, venus, uranus, and neptune). find a new doctor - your feelings are valid - if you say the pain or the symptoms arent normal then your are right! In many Latin based languages, bella translates to beautiful. and definitely dont rush into a relationship to catch up to those around you - its not a competition. If you are looking for a long-term relationship, the moon signs of you and your partner should be compatible." Rising Sign (also known as Ascendant): Determined by the Zodiacal sign that was. NEPTUNE retrograde people typically struggle with their thoughts - during this retrograde you may feel like you cant think straight or that you are more critical of yourself. positive aspects: you may receive a fresh start or opportunity in the environment that youve always dreamed about (could be aboard or for schooling). you likely enjoy a lot of routines and have a lot of habits. i am really quite diplomatic and political when you get into nitty gritty with me so these two asteroids being in public houses make sense to me. medusa-sun: you may feel safest in a leadership role, around your father/a masculine figures, and/or expressing yourself, but these situations may cause you danger. they may feel as though they are alone even when surrounded by others. turned people to stone without a single bat of an eye. Many of his painting and works are still studied today as masterpieces i.e. The energy of a composite affect the individuals in the relationship and draw from their energies, but the composite chart doesnt focus on the individuals, unlike synastry charts, which show us how different energies within the individuals interact with each other. Make sure to not make any risky financial decisions during this time such as gambling. Thank you. SATURN retrograde people likely had to grow up very quickly - during this retrograde you may need to be more mature. Hello, tell me about the asteroid Eucharis (181). The composite chart for Beyonc and Jay-Z for example is extremely 1st house-heavy, with the moon, Pluto, Jupiter, sun, and Mercury all within the 1st house. retrogrades: all the planets and five common asteroids, unnamed and renamed asteroids? lucky you are rather attuned to your environment and have the ability to adjust accordingly. medusa-saturn: you may feel safest in your old age, when thinking about your past, when alone, when conserving something you feel is important (ex: virginity for medusa), and/or around your father but these situations may cause you danger. (Mostly Surgeons) Venus in 10th is good for a doctor studying medicine. Embed a Tumblr Post. tell someone about something you havent told anyone about. you likely will attract and meet people from all over just like medusa did. January 30, 2023. show up somewhere late for the early bird and show up somewhere early for the late comer. Copied! these people may be extremely sexual beings or not sexual at all. trying one new thing a week - how do you know its the only thing that works if it took you this long to find it? the only way you are not the usual asteroid characters placement is that you are easily bored. like medusa, you may have a passion for something and may not recognize that not everyone around you shares the same level of passion but rather they are there to be around you. my advice for surviving this retrograde: deep breathing exercises. attracted adoration. whelp, think of it this way: even after death, she gets her redemption and is viewed as iconic. medusa-venus: you may feel safest when surrounded by your possessions, with feminines, at social events, and/or in romance, but these situations may cause you danger. other peoples questions are just as important as yours. in my persona chart for this asteroid the sun is in the 2h house ;) so i definitely give that wondrous gift that wasnt even mentioned but is perfect.. asteroids that arent getting more attention than this, astrological posts that arent related to asteroids (or that arent specific to just one), composite and synastry observations regarding the luminary and planetary, *check asteroid masterlists/posts for asteroid related synastry questions*. my bryon is opposite neptune so i have no clue if this makes my poetry shitty lol? similar to medusa, you may work for a group in which you feel there is an important foundation and message present. Your social life can also experience a decrease, finding it hard to enjoy company or a physical distance. thats like apologizing for giving me gelato lol. where lev tolstoj and alexejtolstoj are for me and how it affects me personally:lev tolstoj 6h in virgo at 5 and alexejtolstoj 10h in capricorn 9 - this makes a bit of sense to me not because i love tolstoy (no offense to levy t but prefer pushkin and dostoevsky) but because of my political ideology. i clearly would make a great philosophy major BUT my school doesnt have that. Ferdinando Cancelli is a palliative care specialist. you, like medusa, may have a sudden realization that the foreign environment you are in no longer feels safe in because of bad press. To predict future life partner name, Nakshatras play very significant role. its hyper specific but makes sense when you read the myth. So, the composite charts sun will be at the midpoint between Person As sun and Person Bs sun. for example, natal with multiple asteroids (RELATED TO THE MYTH IN QUESTION): for example, synastry (the only time that i like to see the circle chart): for example, solar returns (make sure the reference place says the place where you currently live and not your birth place. angry? His name has been since associated with the word genius. @loonaticpoe they could indicate personality traits! i do feel like they physically do something for me as well. Exchange of signs between the 7th, 12th and 9th lord also increases the chances of marriage in foreign land. you may be prone to committing acts of violence when you find life unfair. you may feel as though no one knows you that well, similar to how medusa had many admirers but none of them knew her. By the age of 22, she had two bachelors degrees! to communicate she didnt need words - things were said without actually saying a thing. p.s. dont be afraid to explore sexuality or style at your own pace (remember you are beautiful - its scary to try new things but scary doesnt mean bad, ugly, and/or unworthy). IN MY OPINION Porta coeli in a chart can show a) where you are the most at peace, b) where you may have views of great beauty, and/or c) when there is both purity and reward for your good deeds. and last but not least, fatherly turmoil - it is highly likely there are a lot of issues surrounding a relationship between this person and their father. you are likely a genuine person whom doesnt do things because they want power, rather because they care. Love Marriage Astrology A GOOD THREAD OF LOVE: If in the morning Venus is once again in the Mars sign in conjunction with Uranus, it can also crash at some dark corners and ends of the general relationship landscape. DNA also sextiles sun so i suspect i will live awhile but only if i remain active. medusa-mars: you may feel safest surrounded by masculine energy, at social events, in romance, competitive environments (ex: simone biles has a medusa bi-quintile mars), independent atmospheres, and/or in leadership roles, but these situations may case you danger. brainstorming random ideas - journals are your friends - track your mood, keep a dream log, and write down good ideas you have (you can always return to these ideas when you get the energy to do stuff again).