WITH CENSORSHIP ON THE RISE THIS IS A GREAT FACEBOOK ALTERNATIVE. In recent years, thousands of people in different countries have witnessed an inexplicable sound phenomenon. Id also like to hear again from Louie Verrecchio, E. Michael Jones, Father Hewko, Father Chazal (if possiblenot sure Ive heard him interviewed on your show but will look), Msgr. I believe this is a case of an aircraft causing the area to achieve the fundamental frequency. THE Q TEAMS TAKEDOWN OF THE GLOBAL CABAL FROM A TO Z VIDEO: 'THE PHASER.COM' ASSUMES ALL INFORMATION TO BE TRUTHFUL AND RELIABLE; HOWEVER INFORMATION AT THE PHASER.COM IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS INVESTMENT ADVICE. Hardly anyone knows the answer to this question, but judging by various medieval sources, it promises little good. FAST GROWING COMMUNITY WITH A 99 % RENEWAL RATE!! I'm wracking my brain and I really can't come up with a better idea than a large machine producing sound. God bless your work. Asstrangesounds.orgagain reports,citing Australian television broadcasts, on December 15, 2020, Sydney residents were slightly frightened when the so-called trumpet sounds shook the city in the middle of the night. The Trumpet sounds in the sky are happening again - Godlike Productions your own Pins on Pinterest. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. In the Book of Revelation, seven trumpets are sounded, one at a time, to cue apocalyptic events. Many early versions of this footage claimed that it showed a "mysterious" or "religious" event, and those postings also included a link back to the original video, which was made by Ronen Barany (which has since been deleted). The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Soul:Ask and may contain 18+ material. 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. How holy and secure this knighthood and how entirely free of the double risk run by those men who fight not for Christ! He also added that he had inspected the shores and nearby villages within the last 3 days, without hearing the weird noise. TRUMPET SOUNDS in SKY over Washington and Idaho. Mysterious mechanical 'groaning' noise haunts southwest Anchorage Mysterious sounds and vibrations rattle villagers and crack homes in India, Apocalyptic Sky Sounds Baffle Experts During Corona Lockdown and Announce the Coming Social and Economic Collapse, Latest Strange Sounds from The Sky In March 2020 And Some Are Really Creepy. This verse is a promise to Gods people of the Old Covenant Israel and the New Covenant the Church. This has been discussed before. If he kills an evildoer, he is not a mankiller, but, if I may so put it, a killer of evil. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Strange Sounds in the Sky Over North Carolina and Indiana We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Advertisement. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus Christ opens the Seven Seals. When he opens the first six seals, some sort of calamity occurs on Earth. Paradise Lost: A Mom & Daughters Harrowing Escape From Hell. In the cited links to news broadcasts, numerous obvious ones tell how they witnessed incomprehensible booms in the sky. As you can tell in the video theres no distant back up beepers theres no drilling theres nothing but a few cars that passed by but obviously has nothing to do with the sound that is coming from every direction in front of me it was over 180 radius and it sound like it was coming from the sky. The soul need not die when the body does. The Fourth Trumpet (Revelation 8:12) One-third of the moon, stars, and sun darkens. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. 150 19. The Three Woes The blowing of next three trumpets unleashes things so horrible, the Bible calls them the "three woes." Apparently loud booming sounds have been heard pretty much all over the world. I have told earth is celebrating Christmas and New Years . STRIPE IS A FAST, EASY, SAFE & SECURE PAYMENT PROCESSOR WHICH ACCEPTS YOUR BANK/CHECK/CREDIT CARD SO NO WORRIES! Nor do they presume on their own strength, but trust in the Lord of armies to grant them the victory. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. However, nobody had told me that there were a dozen or so freight trains during the night, which crawled through the landscape. Terrifying sky trumpets heard in Libya and Egypt announce war and 2. your own Pins on Pinterest. THERE IS AN ABUNDANCE OF INFORMATION BEING RELAYED DAILY (25-50 POSTS)! STRANGE EERIE LOUD TRUMPET SOUNDS IN THE SKY MARCH 2019 Dillon Dickerson 6.2K views 3 years ago Strange Trumpet Noises in the Sky, Sydney Australia Marty Dennison 196K views 7 years ago. I asked a (not train-related) engineer coworker what the heck was causing the noise, and his guess was that metal was being pushed/pulled along the rails, and the vibrating rails/metal was what was causing the low tones. Let us know what you think these strange sounds from the sky are. At best, people think that everything predicted by Casey will happen in three hundred years, in some unknown year and for their lifetime. Outside forces incl Soros had a big part to play in that. SHADOW GOVERNMENT & FAKE BIDEN! It's a simple explanation that requires no mental stretches or physics-breaking. Suddenly, they started hearing these strange low rumbling horn like sounds coming from the distance. It might be good time to get Dr. Chojnoski back on soonsounds like an update to his facial recognition study of Sister Lucy is forthcoming. Im shocked at their ignorance. So, are we doomed? The fundamental would be well below the audible range but it could have harmonics high enough to hear. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. As for the science and stuff, I have no idea, sorry. What is the mysterious 'global Hum' - and is it simply noise pollution? I'm still doubtful, but it's a pretty neat theory all the same. 12/15/16: 5: The last trumpet, Booms and Strange Sounds in the Skies in 2016 and the Iowa and New Hampshire Primary. Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. Kramer, who had been Fr. I listen to you on U tube. Massive mega storms fo California since mid November and California is still shaking like jello? Some users shared the video, which also featured "mysterious trumpets," along with the claim that it showed the beginning of the apocalypse, while others claimed that it was a sign from God that Trump would heal relations with Israel: In the book of Revelation of the Bible, trumpet sounds bring wrath in the world. Today. The noise is large alien shipsthat are cloaked. SOUND - WindWorks Trumpet Academy by Mystery to Mastery A third of the light from the sun, moon and stars goes dark when the fourth angel blasts his trumpet. Why Are Mysterious Trumpet Sounds in the Sky Increasing? However, geological processes are rather slow relative to the life time of cockroaches crawling along the lithosphere, so neither Casey nor other prophets have a special total faith in people. If he fights for a good reason, the issue of his fight can never be evil; and likewise the results can never be considered good if the reason were evil and the intentions perverse. Most of the seismicity was concentrated at the beginning of the sequence, mainly in September, with more than a thousand earthquakes a day, the center said. Gruner's "right-hand man," in terms of the practical theological and canonical understanding of our times, but who, since Fr. NickThomasTV. However, it is now very likely that the booms and rumbles are related by some kind of correlation. Regards. The mysterious trumpet sounds that many have been hearing around the world seem to be increasing in frequency. Tons of information daily and anyone can join folks! How secure, I say, is life when death is anticipated without fear; or rather when it is desired with feeling and embraced with reverence! The United States continues to recognize the Government of National Accord (GNA) and recognized by the UN. At least, it's a possibility. Since roughly 2005, folks have reported hearing the eerie sound of sky trumpets. In 2015, the phenomenon began receiving widespread attention and reporting. Learn how your comment data is processed. It might be good time to get Dr. Chojnoski back on soonsounds like an update to his facial recognition study of Sister Lucy is forthcoming. The sounding of the first trumpet burns a third of the planet. THE CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. So, as chroniclers write, from Roman to Chinese, before all sorts of wars, cataclysms and other adventures for the kingdoms, people certainly watched some gods on fiery carts that galloped over the clouds with bright light and roar. There is indeed a rising number of reported Russian mercenaries supporting warlord Khalifa Haftars forces on the ground. Una Martin ( Ireland ), Your apostolate is thoroughly exceptional for the way has tied to together important matters under the auspice of Catholic/Marian prophecy, including the matter of the utter atrocity who is the present (false) claimant to the Chair of Peter. Payne is a hearer of the mysterious global phenomenon known as the Hum. TRUMPET sound in SKY caught on tape (Turn Up Volume) 2019 1:16 NEW Strange Scary 'Trumpet' Sounds Heard coming from the Sky caught on tape 2015 Paranormal Videos 1:40 MORE Strange 'Trumpet' Sounds coming from SKY _ Strange noises coming from the sky caught on video Paranormal Videos 3:34 Strang Trumpet Sound Romania SKY WEIRD SOUND April 2019 4:19 What is causing them? This is the community to be in for the times ahead (the Tribulation) as social media censorship rises. A subreddit dedicated to the unresolved mysteries of the world. The Heart of Wales line then had about three passenger trains in each direction during the day. Even this sort of victory I would not call good, since bodily death is really a lesser evil than spiritual death. Re: The Trumpet sounds in the sky are happening again ! And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. Turkey already hosts about 3.7 million Syrians and cannot handle a new influx. Neither does he bear the sword in vain, for he is Gods minister, for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of the good. Why Are Mysterious Trumpet Sounds in the Sky Increasing? Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The strangesounds.org record does not give, nevertheless, what at stake is understandable these strange sounds are heard by people all over the world. Martial law is coming for 2020 . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. These eerie sounds have been recorded world wide. But, as the gaining strength of the earthquakes in Antarctica show, the reformatting of the land is already a matter of the very near future. When the silence lifts, seven angels, each holding a trumpet, prepares to sound them. A fair amount of the videos turned out to be, yes someone just lifted the sounds from another video and made their own. However, there are several hypotheses that help explain everything, and the first of them is volcanic activity under water. These angels command an army of 200 million and they kill a third of the earths population. Keep up the great work. Sound the Trumpet: A Journey of Faith and Persistence by Hasselmann My special guest podcast/radio show list is second to none. Sky Trumpets - Denver Michaels To the unbelievers.. look at what happened in Israel staight after Donald J. Trump was elected Presidency of the United States of America.. Donald J. Trump is the chosen one from God.. don't ever doubt the Lord your God! I can't find any reliable sources to post, but I remember hearing it's possibly tectonic plates grinding, construction equipment, or a rail-yard. 01/17/16: 6: Imminent DOOM? This turns the conflict into a bloodier one. trumpet sounds in the sky 2019 - nexa.com.br I would go for construction and rail first though, with occams razor. The Academy of Light Prophetic Magazine, What The LORD is Saying Today March 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today February 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today January 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today December 2022. It has been circulating online since at least 1 October 2016 (more than a month before Donald Trump was elected President of the United States), and it does not depict a real event. All this for only 12$ a month which works out to be about a little over a 40 cents a day! Moreover, other people claimed to see a group of whales swimming close to the shore in the coastal city of Damietta. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. Let us know what you think these strange sounds from the sky are. The Hum is . This was weird, I thought to myself. Whenever you go forth, O worldly warrior, you must fear lest the bodily death of your foe should mean your own spiritual death, or lest perhaps your body and soul together should be slain by him. So, recently in the state of New Jersey quite a lot of little flying saucers have been seen, and in New York in general, there is a 300% increase in the number of observations compared to 2018. These cookies do not store any personal information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoDm5wsTygQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERpbxlMtlGQ. & NEW DETAILS ON THE BIBLICAL FALSE PROPHET!. Listen to it. King_Of_Horror 16 dec 2019. Having just played with standing waves in an echoey hallway yesterday, I'm fond of this idea. TRUMPET sound in SKY caught on tape (Turn Up Volume) 2019 It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Neither does he bear the sword in vain, for he is Gods minister, for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of the good. Maybe. We have Israel and attack on Iranian forces in Damascus as we write this article. My special guest podcast/radio show list is second to none. No, it is the soul which sins that shall die. Discover (and save!) NO LONG TERM CONTRACTS. Paul Kramer, Louie Verrecchio, Marco Tosatti, Cornelia Ferreira, Dr. Sungenis, Dr. David Allen White, Dr. Chojnowski, Michael Voris, Michael Hichborn, John Henry Westen, E. Michael Jones, Mike Church, Msgr. I like the tectonic plates. Strange [] Besides, the Book of Revelation can be interpreted in dozens of different ways as can sky trumpets. All LIVE & replayed live call in shows, all live Youtube streams/conferences, Eagle messages, never before seen writings & poems from my book Fortress of the Soul, exclusive writings/analysis which will not be accessible anywhere else, advertise for free, my personal whats app number, commenting available on all posts, MESSAGE BOARD, LIVE INTERACTIVE CHAT, be published yourself, be a cohost with me for my show and MUCH more!