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Oftentimes, a young person will find themselves interested in living history but struggle to get involved. This practice of changing uniforms to fit the reenactments needs is called galvanizing based on a real term applied to captured Confederates who were released from prison camps if they joined the Union army to go west to fight Indians. Cavalry reenactors have uniforms that are patterned after original cavalry uniforms. These reenactors can make a modest living by working in museums or historic sites such as Plymouth, Mass., or Williamsburg, Va. While reenacting is fun, it is also a physically taxing hobby. Almost every reenactor can tell you stories about uniforms or equipment they rushed to purchase when they first started out and later regretted after they learned it was of poor quality or didnt fit the impression they ultimately pursued. By now you are probably wondering, "how much is all of this going to cost me? 4 June 2009. Gear - How much a reenactor spends on their gear is a product of individual means, love for the hobby, and type of unit. 5) Purchase Slowly and Strategically: When you are ready to start purchasing gear, take your time and make your purchases strategic. First-person When a reenactor speaks to fellow reenactors and the public as a person during the 1860s. Finding an organization for a child to partake in is not difficult. There are reenactment groups for almost any era that captures your interest, such as ancient Rome, the Middle Ages, the American Revolution or either of the World Wars. That means single reenactors in a specialty uniform must search out similar reenactors to fall in with at events. Or, Dad can stay in the military camp while Mom and the kids stay in a civilian camp. Since the war took place in the South, it is more difficult for Yankees in Northern states to make the events in the Southern states. Check ourencyclopedia for a gloss on thousands of topics from biographies to the table of elements. (May 8, 2009) http://www.salary.com/personal/layoutscripts/psnl_articles.asp?tab=psn&cat=cat011&ser=ser032, Miller, John. One note for reenactors living in states with strict gun laws. There is no age requirement for being a Civil War reenactor, but, of course, minors will need to have their parents approval and support. The organization has grown to include dozens of civil war reenactors and their families. Finally, there is the largest investment of all, the musket and bayonet. Their website is: www.CivilWarNews.com, Camp Chase Gazette is a how-to magazine for authentic reenactors. . We have members in four states Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Arkansas. In summer, many men carry two. The easiest way for children to get involved in reenacting is to do it as a family. The largest event was the 135th Gettysburg reenactment which involved 15,000 reenactors. How do war reenactments work? What reenacting does is give men and women a chance to walk in the footsteps of those people who came before us just a little over 150 years ago. Most units have a list of acceptable gear and approved sutlers. Some units focus on the military side of reenacting, preferring to keep civilian women in a separate camp while other units allow children to run around the military camp. Which branch reenactors join is up to their interest in each branchand their financial resources. During fights with frequent firing, muskets have been known to cook off, a pre-mature explosion of the black powder poured down the barrel caused by a still-burning spark. While reenactors do like authenticity, they draw the line at paying upwards of $30 for registration fees, but finding over-flowing port-a-johns by Sunday morning. You must have a passion for history and an active imagination. Modern day work boots are not acceptable. For official duties, these youngstersoften between 10 and 14were called on to fill supporting roles such as drummers, buglers, messengers, and field assistants. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. If they try for officer ranks like lieutenant and captain, they must take even more rigorous tests to demonstrate that they know the commands that moved men around the field. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. How to Get Started on a Literature Review, Discovering the Occupations of Your Ancestors, Ancient Sources on Persian or Iranian History, Fun Family History Activities for Family Reunions, 3 Practical Ways to Become a Better Homeschooling Teacher, Certificate in Genealogical Research, Boston University. 2022 Sandbox Networks Inc. All rights reserved. Be sure to look into this. The physically disabled cannot take the field as soldiers, but the impression of a wounded soldier in a period wheel chair being pushed by a civilian in period clothes is welcome. Odds are that youve already read a decent amount about the war, but most Civil War books focus on the movements of vast armies and the leaders who directed them. Most reenacting units have both a website and a Facebook page, making it easier for people to find local units. Tacticals are unscripted battles which are usually not open to the public. How did my ancestors survive battles, diseases, and prison camps on far away battlefields then return home to produce me? You can buy relatively cheap U.S. uniforms from the World Wars. The reason is obvious. The basic costs of outfitting an infantryman will run between $1,500 and $2,000 with the bulk of the cost being in the $800 musket. Not all reenactment groups will offer the same experiences. BROOKSVILLE, Fla. - Each January, Hernando County scrambled to put out the welcome mat for what has been called the largest Civil War reenactment in Florida the Brooksville Raid. There are essentially three types of reenactors; mainstream, campaigners, and stitch counters. Civil War Reenactment is one of the fastest growing hobbies in the United States, and with good reason. Both shows used reenactors for the first time, a revelation for Hollywood directors who suddenly realized that their extras knew how to act like Civil War soldiers. Unit Dues - Unit dues are typically the cheapest of all expenses. The only difference between the Civil War and the reenacting firing is that no Mini ball is rammed down the barrel. Reenactors believe that a weekend playing soldier or civilian brings them closer to understanding the experiences of the men and women who lived in that time. There is at least one Civil War era brass band using period instruments and playing period music. Three factors come into play, and the United States demonstrates all of them. How to Get Started With Historical Reenacting. Living history events include encampments, parades, and school enrichment programs. Women participate as nurses, vivandieres, cooks, laundresses, or wives and sisters visiting the soldier in camp. Units portraying the Vietnam War aren't nearly as prolific as World War 2 or Civil War impressions. California. A reenactor is a special breed of person. Artillery reenactors are expected to know how to work all of the positions of the cannon, which can cost upwards of $15,000 and likely belongs to one person. .com/us/military/civil-war-reenactor.html. While it is rare, people have died from the exertion. BOOK TIP: "The Illustrated Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era". When events are not limited by the numbers of participants per side, some events have seen Confederates outnumber Federals by five to oneat battles which the Federals won. In many war reenactments, there aren't roles for women on the battlefield, but some events have side attractions geared toward women, such as tea parties, craft activities and quilt shows. If you wear eyeglasses, consider purchasing period frames high on your shopping list as well. Across the United States, Civil War battles rank among the most popular events to reenact -- they're often held on the original battlefields for true authenticity. Confederate States or Confederate States Army. At some late-war battles such as Bentonville, North Carolina and Saylers Creek, Virginia, Federal units armed with repeating rifles chewed into Confederate ranks. It might be a good idea to spring for the unit's annual fee for insurance coverage in case of an injury. These events were often staged with paying spectators in mind, leading to sights that irritated reenactors such as rushing the enemy in a chargebut with multi-tiered bleachers behind the enemy. Most reenacting units require members to own dual impressions; both Union and Confederate. Work with your unit point of contact to ensure that the items you select even from these vendors are appropriate, since not every jacket a particular vendor offers will fit your units desired impression. While headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, our membership encompasses Maryland, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Once you invest time and money into historical volunteerism, you'll likely find great reward from all your efforts. And finally, muskets are real guns. These groups often focus on reenactment of wars, offering members (and sometimes the public) a glimpse of what life was like during the conflicts that shaped history. We have committed ourselves to the education of the company membership and general public as to the lifestyle, military service and general values of the Black Civil War soldier through an authentic presentation of living history activities including battle reenactments, interpretive programs, training seminars, and similar programs. Many units will choose opposite unit impressions that have something to do with the primary unit they portray, or perhaps a unit that passed through their home area. For further reading suggestions and links to many of these online resources, please see the Stonewall Brigades Recommended Reading list. Their website is: http://www.citizenscompanion.com/. As you look at different reenacting units, you may see three terms in particular, which are commonly used to describe different segments of the reenacting spectrum. Keep attending reenactments until you find a period that suits your specific interests and talents. *This post may contain affiliate links. Over the past weekend, the Brays hosted the first encampment training of 2021 at their home for the 3rd Maine reenactment unit, the largest in Maine. Reenactment, appropriately called "living history," also means living under the same conditions encountered during the past. If you are up to the task, here's some information to get you started. Learn more about the mythic conflict between the Argives and the Trojans. You will need to visit a sutlery (supply store run by a civilian, a "sutler"), either online or in person, in order to get your basic gear, called a "kit". The most famous reenactment of the 1960s was the July 1961 Battle of First Manassas or Bull Run, held on the Manassas National Battlefield. Whats not to like? Women have to make the effort to disguise themselves as men. that appeal to campaigners. A love of history, a desire to better understand what Civil War era soldiers and civilians experienced, the pleasure of camping with friends and cooking over an open fire all explain why reenactors follow this hobby. These groups often focus on reenactment of wars, offering members (and sometimes the public) a glimpse of what life was like during the conflicts that shaped history. The thinking is that events where only several hundred troops are participating can be much more manageable and affordable to stage than the huge events that required hundreds of acres of land for the reenactment itself, plus parking for thousands of participants and spectators. That is what reenacting is all about; trying to live for a weekend like a Civil War soldier or civilian to figure out how they did it. Civilian - A person, male or female, who reenacts any non-military impression during Reenactments. Focused events try to recreate parts of battles. John Miller, a veteran reenactor who specializes in the Civil War, warns prospective volunteers that the hobby can get dangerous [source: Miller]. Our editors update and regularly refine this enormous body of information to bring you reliable information. Prospective reenactors should research units to judge how accepting they are of family participation. In 1913 elderly Union and Confederate veterans met at the 50th anniversary of Gettysburg and put themselves through their pacesbut without the muskets they had used against each other. The persona is sometimes referred to as an impression. Otherwise, the 60 grains of powder and a piece of paper wadding for each charge is authentic. The same uniforms worn in the summer are worn in the winter. Being at that part of the line during the reenactment is special as it clearly reinforces the advantage the Union army had with repeating rifles. Take the time to fully research your character and period, considering where yourpersonalives, his age, hisoccupation, and his social status, before purchasing items which may or may not be authentic or appropriate. Civil War soldiers or civilians didnt have digital watches or plastic frame eyeglasses. Between a quarter and a third of the Union army was made up of European immigrants so real or imitation Irish and eastern European accents are welcome. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1999. Now i ma Check your local newspaper or reenactment Web sites for listings of upcoming reenactment events in your area. The United States Marines wear distinctive crossed white belts. Perhaps you attended a reenactment as a spectator and found yourself wishing you were in the midst of the smoke and confusion rather than watching it from afar. Women reenactors portraying soldiers are not uncommon, just as there were women in ranks during the Civil War. That means most Union forces on Southern battlefields likely talk with Southern accents even though they are in blue. Reenactors carry everything with them with no resupply from a vehicle, speak in first person and essentially lose themselves entirely in the war for the weekend. Leather cartridge box, belt, bayonet scabbard and cap box come in a variety of types and colors such as russet brown, but most men choose black so the same accoutrements can be used for both Confederate and Union impressions. All reenactors come into the unit as privates. Typical costs for reenacting might include the following. Only a handful of men will make generals and they must know how to command at that level. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Threadcounter A reenactor who insists on a historically accurate impression, down to fabric and buttonholes having the same threadcount typical of the time. Once you do, it's time to create your own historical persona. What period of history most grabs your interest? Like any hobby, there is a broad spectrum within reenacting with different informal clusters of individuals and groups focusing more or less attention on authenticity. Living History Archive. 8th Confederate Cavalry / 7th Kentucky Cavalry, 3rd Arkansas Volunteer Infantry Company A, 1st Arkansas US Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 2nd Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery Regiment, Co. Here you can find a list of groups that portray the Great War period. Check your laws! How the Civilian Conservation Corps Worked, Historical Reenactment Costumes and Equipment, 2nd Rhode Island Regiment. It publishes articles such as how to cut and pack rations of raw pork, how to properly do bayonet drill, calendars of events, and how to contact different reenactment units. Just as in the Civil War armies, men who take on the rank must be able to perform at that rank. Need a reference? For reenactments that span several days, this can be grueling. Emmitsburg Area Historical Society.http://www.emmitsburg.net/archive_list/articles/misc/re-enactor.htm, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, How the Civilian Conservation Corp Worked. By Robert Arvay. That is my indication and EXPRESSED consent to be treated like a slave by all participating confederate soldiers. To submit a reenactment group for consideration, please contact us here. When you're starting out as a volunteer, the unit you're working with will probably have a spare uniform you can borrow. Typically, the age restriction for most events is 16 years old to carry a musket/rifle. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved by Milsurpia. Most units will have a decent collection of clothes, gear, and even muskets that you can borrow, but it is often difficult to find loaner shoes since many reenactors only own a single pair. The 150th Manassas, Virginia event was held when the temperature on the field was 114 degrees. Local video entrepreneurs filmed those 125th anniversary reenactments on VHS tapes, selling them to the reenactors who hoped to see themselves acting as Civil War soldiers. Some units have fifers and drummers. Reenactors have a variety of reasons for dressing up on the weekends then plunging into their interpretation of a war that killed, by recent estimates, 750,000 people. They'll have fun watching the excitement, and you'll get to teach them about history. One of the last Civil War reenactments by Civil War vet erans was the Great Reunion of 1913, on the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. To those who do not do it, reenacting may seem like an odd hobby; spending the weekend recreating a war that killed upwards of three quarters of a million people when the United States population was just 31 million. Event Dues - This can really depend on the event and what is provided with the fee. Active members, either military or . They carried Sharps rifles. Reenacting Civil War battles began during the War when both sides staged mock battles when heavy snows kept the men in camp from going out and killing each other. A colonial shopkeeper will have a pretty simple costume compared to a Civil War general's uniform. After all, every one of the reenactors at an event arrived in a 21st century vehicle of some kind. Civil War Reenacting makes an effort to list the websites of reenacting units, but, as might be expected, many units are not listed here. Reenactment also takes time, but this can be as little as a 2-3 hour event once or twice a year, to a half-dozen three-day weekend encampments. Arkansas Infantry Reenactors. A canteen holding about two quarts of water is critical. Mainstreamers cheerfully accept the nickname TBG- which stands for Tubby Bearded Guys. Reenacting units are organized in some of the same ways as Civil War companies and regiments. People come to Civil War reenacting in a myriad of ways. Before showtime, pots and pans are some of the tools reenactor Tanya Haessly makes the most use of as a camp cook, feeding families and individuals taking part in a Civil War reenactment in Janney . Reenactors enjoy camping, cooking over an open fire, guns, loud noises, marching, military discipline, and telling stories. Becoming a historical re-enactor requires an unquenchable thirst for history and abiding patience with uncomfortable accommodations and ridiculous outfits. Colonial-era muskets run a few hundred dollars, and with the rest of the necessary kit, you're looking at more than $1,000 [source: 2nd Rhode Island Regiment ]. Men and boys threw on gray and blue pants and work shirts, grabbed whatever arms they could find, and marched out onto whatever fields were handy to recreate battles. It was I who asked historian Shelby Foote some 20 years ago: Is there anything about The War you dont know? I got the quick answer: I still dont know how they did it.. In addition to special uniforms, some reenactors will be tempted to get special firearms. Children were active participants in the Civil War. 4) Read As Much As You Can: The best way to start your career in reenacting out right is to read extensively. After a near disaster where one reenactor was hit by a Mini ball fragment left in a musket that had been live fired before the event, the National Park Service thereafter banned reenactments from being held on its battlefields. Mega-events also created problems for reenactors such as too little and too far away parking, too little drinking water, and too few port-a-johns. Invitation events are smaller with limited numbers of participants making them easier to manage. Reenactors do not dwell on that terrible human cost. "Dream Job: Historical Reenactor." These can range anywhere from $5 a month to $25 a month. olg pick 4 If you crave intrigue and a dash of melodrama, historical fiction can make the past come alive. Don't let that stop you! The granddaddy of all Civil War sutlers started outfitting reenactors in the mid-1970s. You've probably thought to yourself that reenacting sounds like fun, but you're just not sure about committing yourself due to time, money, and lack of know-how. Reenacting the Civil War as a hobby got off to a shaky start during in the 1960s when authenticity was ignored in favor of doing something, anything, to commemorate the Centennial. Following are some useful terms to acquaint you with Civil War Reenacting. Families wishing to stay together all weekend can portray civilians. To take part in high quality reenactments a reenactor should expect to drive at least a day for quality events. Two TV mini-series, Blue & Gray (1982), and North & South (1985) drove interest in reenacting in the early 1980s.