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071-COM-1011 (Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass) USING THE MILITARY LENSATIC COMPASS - PowerShow This is also known as triangulation. Its declination would be written as 14E. Move the lens holder: Slightly push forward the lens holder. Make sure the degrees of the dial are readable. Orient a map using a lensatic compass by Jessica Lanier Get the free how to use a lensatic compass pdf form - pdfFiller This way you can see the object and the bezel at the same time. Land Navigation: How to Orient With a Map & Compass - The Art of Manliness Come on in and save lots of money! Simply look for distinguishable landmarks that are marked on the map, and turn so that both you and the map are facing this object. We know were somewhere along HW 115 and south of Saddle Mountain. 1. 4. Have you noticed the agonic line? Remember, human features are the last port of call and, whats king again? You can always orient your map with a working compass. My 159-page, fully illustrated book is yours for the asking. How to Use a Lensatic Compass: A Guide for Hikers Welcome back to the Art of ManlinessLand Navigation Manual. surface. If your map already has a line to show magnetic declination, you can take your compass and line its edges up along this. Flip up the small magnifying glass. Youve orientated the map. OEC G&V. Download. 4. Youll want to rotate it till the black arrow outline matches the 4E hash mark. Performance Steps 1. With the thumb loop all the way down under the compass, put the thumb of one hand all the way inside the loop, and place the index finger of that same hand along one side of the compass. To begin, use your compass to locate a peak on Saddle Mountain. 5. Welcome back to the Land Navigation Manual for the Art of Manliness. Line up the meridian lines (the parallel lines inside the bezel) with a north/south grid line on the map. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. This is because it is prepped to point instead to magnetic north once its lined up with your compass needle. Plus, as a web site visitor, you get a 50% discount off the regular price, meaning you get the whole course for $10. Its 310 degrees in reference to you, as you can see. Pros . There is nothing better than being at the heart of your navigation as a prepper, and truly knowing where youre headed without the need for technological input. Weve compiled a detailed guide on how to adjust for magnetic declination, but at its most basic level it goes like this: Your map should state what the magnetic declination is in degrees for the region you are in. The U.S. military M-1950 lensatic compass shown in this video is still in use today. SMCT Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass. 1. number of degrees in a circle (360: north is 0 or 360, east is 90, south is 180, and. If you dont start out using your lensatic compass with a map, then its just a regular compass. Line your orienteering compass's base plate up with the map's north-south lines. At Advnture, we never head out into the backcountry without a map and compass. Assume youve climbed to the top of Camels Hump in Vermont. PDF 071-329-1011 Conditions: Standards - PBworks When we know our point position, we can identify any landmark that we see in our terrain by using the map. Below, we offer a short, straight-talking guide to how its done. Kieran James Cunningham is a climber, mountaineer, and author who divides his time between the Italian Alps, the US, and his native Scotland. Place your compass on your map with the edge of the baseplate parallel to the north-south meridians on the map. Were going to move that to take into account declination on our compass. How to Use a Military Compass - MilitaryPerson.com So, if youre at Muir Woods and your compass reads 180 degrees, subtract 14 degrees. The orient a map to the ground by map-terrain association is one of the most basic skills that you will need in order to survive. We know were someplace south of Saddle Mountain on HW 115. This step comes after aligning our map and compass needle to magnetic north if using a compass that doesnt have a declination adjustment key. Well say the declination value is 10 degrees. Now its time to use the lens. This is because technology is fallible, batteries run out, cold kills gadgets and theres always the possibility of dropping a device down a steep slope or into a rushing river. To use the terrain to orient a map, you must be familiar with symbols used on the map. So there you have it. to orient the map to find your position. Look at the red needle to see which direction it is pointing. To do so accurately, however, we must first adjust our compass for magnetic declination so the reading taken from the compass arrow is pointing our map towardtruenorth as opposed tomagneticnorth. Announcement: My online Land Navigation course includes four hours of video instruction, and two downloadable PDF books, all for about the same price as a typical paperback book. NY 10036. No declination exists and you dont have to adjust your compass. Once you master using a lensatic compass, it becomes the only way youll ever navigate around the wilderness moving forward. This can be done either by (1) rotating the map the requisite number of degrees east or west or (2) holding the baseplate firmly, rotate the compass housing to the correct number of degrees west or east to account for the declination. How to Determine the Bearingof a Distant Object. Check to see if the north directional arrow is inline with the arrow/line of the compass. Step 4: Walk along the path and make sure your compass always points North. If not, recalibrate before continuing. So your true bearing would be 166. Take a bearing on the mountain thats southwest from you. Plot a line on the map using the back bearing from that mountain. The fact that they glow in the dark (especially, if they're the tritium kind which will glow for years without having to be exposed to light) means you can use your compass without a light for night navigation. My 159-page, fully illustrated book is yours for the asking. Draw a line on the map at 130 degrees from Saddle Mountain. Another trick for declination when your compass cant adjust for it is to create your own declination arrow out of masking tape and tape it beneath your compass under the correct declination degree hash (This will only work if your compass has a clear base). This is why you should never take a bearing off a sheep. Place your map on a horizontal surface and then place the compass on the map so that the orienting arrow points to true north on the map. If we dont account for declination and use our map to acquire directions to our destination, well be wrong by 14 or more when we start walking. How to use the Lunatic Compass Map Orientation by compass Magnetic Azimuth A magnetic azimuth of any object is the compass reading of a direct line across the center of the compass to the object. When you have a line location, you know youre on a maps recognizable line (trail, ridge line, etc. But I wish I had the simpler kind that just automatically points to the direction on the compass that I am . You then see where the line you drew intersects with the protractor's numbers, in this case 062 degrees. As magnetic north changes depending on where you are in the world, you have to ensure you adjust your compass accordingly. [10] 4. Now, hold the compass level and squarely in front of you. Assume youre southeast of Saddle Mountain and northeast of a few of lesser peaks. Plotting a bearing on a map using a straight edged lensatic compass Thank you for signing up to Advnture. Whether or not you participate in orienteering, I'm confident you'll find that a properly oriented map is a huge help in finding your way. Casio's latest G-Shock watch could be a serious Garmin rival. Its not unheard of for hikers to accidentally read their map upside down and end up facing south, rather than north. 4. To make sure you receive a correct bearing, youll have to perform some arithmetic with all of your bearings. The narration and imagery may seem old-timey in this era of high-def computer graphics . 2. Lets pretend youre on a hike. Your compass is now set. Looking at the map is an easy way of finding which direction north or east are relative to your current position. See the line labeled the agonic line? Nothing is permanent and contours are more permanent than pretty much everything else on a map. When youre on this line and are facing true north, magnetic north lines up perfectly, too. The how to orient a map using a compass is a skill that can be used in the outdoors. 3. Well use the rear bearing of it to draw a line on the map from Saddle Mountain to our approximate direction. As a result, your real bearing is 166. ? Whenever the luminous magnetic arrow lines up with the luminous short line, you're following your intended azimuth. The housing lines should be parallel with the maps vertical grid lines. Place compass on top of map. The keys to successfully navigating the wilderness are being able to determine your position, know where youre going and understand how terrain affects your movement abilities. 4. Most lensatic compasses are designed to withstand moisture to a certain extent, but nobody makes them perfect. Suunto M-3 Compass. All Rights Reserved. An "azimuth" is pretty much the same as a "bearing." You should notice that the direction of travel arrow should be pointing at the top of the map, and the black orienteering lines should also be parallel to the north-south gridlines on the map. We still need to understand where we are in reference to our map how to orient ourselves before we can start really navigating, which well cover in Part III of this series. The floating dial is used to determine the direction in which you are pointing your compass. No worries. Step 1. When the actual lens gets damaged, it unnecessarily impairs simple operation. Turn the compass dial so that the bearing intersects the index line (2). You see that its 230 in relation to your location. Lets go to the other side of the country. How you can Read an Engineer Compass - Physics | ScienceBriefss.com Open the cover completely and pull back the rear sight. In your case, however, your declination is 004 degrees West, meaning you'll have to add 004 degrees before you set your compass. Imagine that you want to hold it as if it were firmly mounted in that position. Its one of the most versatile navigation tools we have available today. If you are interested in trying your hand at navigation with a lensatic compass, check out our Brunton 9077 Compass, and follow along with this video: If you are interested in trying your hand at navigation with a lensatic compass, check out our. 1. Mt. Place the fully opened lensatic compass on the map with Easy-to-Read Thermometer - Cushion-mounted thermometer provides an "at-a-glance . You see that its 310 in relation to you. Use a Compass : Basic Reading Do's and Dont's \u0026 Tips With Navigating COM-PASS Reading Placement Test - Characters COMPASS Reading Prep How to use a compass:For beginners THIS is how to use a Compass (Lensatic Compass for beginn-ers) Using A Lensatic Compass (For Dum-mies) Beginner guide to map and compass - Survival Saturday Ep. What if youre not on a route and just have a broad idea of where you are? Remember how we spoke about declination in Part 1? All you have to do is shoot a bearing towards the unidentified peak. They both use magnetization to help you find where you are and where youre going, but theres a catch. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Step 3: Find a path that leads to the horizon. What if you dont have a compass that allows you to adjust for declination? Turn your compass on its side. In the daytime, you'll normally find something in the distance on your azimuth and walk to it, so you don't have to keep staring at the compass. The My Open Country name is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. We guide you on how to orientate a map with or without your compass so that you can navigate your way through the backcountry. Put that hand up to the compass, steadying the compass by placing your index finger along the compass's side, and wrapping your thumb between the bezel ring and the rear sight. Hold your compass in the two-hand hold, steady and level in front of you. It. Land Navigation: How to Orient With a Map & Compass Triangulate your position. north. You need to know where youre going before toying with the compass. The term "lensatic" comes from the fact that there is a lens on the rear side of the compass that aids in the orienteering process. You should then be able to roughly work out which way is north, east south or west using your maps gridlines. The lanyard hole that can be used by the orienteering compass user can limit access to the compass if not enough space is available to move the compass across your map. The courses of streams change, field boundaries move, new hedgerows are built, walls are plundered for buildings, glaciers melt, roads and bridges are washed away by floods, houses are knocked down and rebuilt somewhere else. Hiking Compas - walmart.com Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Learn to navigate using a topographic map and a compass. You now have your target's bearing. Thats your bearing from point A to point B. How to use an Orienteering Compass - Survival Gear Book Check back next month for our final briefingon how tonavigate using MGRS coordinates, just like they do in the military. New York, Holding the compass up to your face, angle the rear sight so that you can read the compass dial clearly through the lens while peering through the sighting slot and lining your distant target (the water tower, in this case) up with the sighting wire. NB. Get How To Use A Lensatic Compass - US Legal Forms 3. UK readers, youre in luck. When you face true north, magnetic north is roughly 14 degrees to the left, or west, of you. You just need one more piece of information to figure out exactly where you are on the map. 4. The United States military needs to know how to navigate on land when all digital systems fail.