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Hydra regeneration was noted in 1744 by naturalist Abraham Trembley. Just because someone else looked at a vial and didnt find anything in it, doesnt mean that other vials dont have these things in them. And if God does NOT intervene there will not be one human left alive. We have no option but to resist.The people who have been vaxxed have a moral obligation not to have any offspring.Their children are not human. T. brucei is protozoan related to T. cruzi from Africa that causes sleeping sickness in humans. I hope that his death was not in vain. It is a deadly protein explains Dr. McCullough. This is a permanent transmissible change of genetic material (DNA) resulting in the decreased production of a protein. As technologies advance, UC Davis scientists and researchers are gaining unprecedented windows into the machinations of life. This technology was developed over the last decade through the Human Brain Project. 600,000 Postal workers are exempt Dr Carrie Madej reveals how Big Tech collaborates with Big Pharma to introduce new technologies in the coming vaccines, that will alter our DNA and turn us into hybrids. This is why were seeing an autoimmune and neurodegenerative decline after Covid-19 inoculation. You mean like the offical health department of Japan? With the help of model organisms, theyll reveal the causes of disease and illuminate potential paths to treatment and prevention. Make a gift to the UC Davis College of Biological Sciences. What is said in this article HAS been proven many times over, by real doctors, scientists, and epidemiologists to say the least. 8 million Chinese exchange students are exempt..yet our kids are forced to take the injection to go back to college or be in school. When well-fed, they reproduce asexually by budding. Hydras use this kind of reproduction more often because it is easier and will create more hydras than other methods. DNA is being collected by Israel the Israeli Zionist Agents are behind this, owning many of the patents. It also explains why 82% of expectant mothers who take the jab are having spontaneous abortions. All rights reserved. Brain implants can erase memories and implant new, artificial memories and while Graphene Oxide can hear your brain whisper. This is the process of transferring genes and organisms from one species to another which creates a new cloned species. The genome is encoded by plasmids called transfer plasmids, which can be modified to encode a wide range of gene products. Thank you so much for reading this. All of this is out in the open & online.We have to be responsible: No more shots. WHY???? This is utter insanity!! Is the offspring human or only part human? WebHydra vulgaris is within the scope of WikiProject Animals, Hydra's immortality gene sheds light on human aging. Battling Barriers, Bias to Retain and Recruit STEM Talent; Building Community to Benefit Physics Students; For the love of wild things; Heart health pioneer, STEM champion I write reviews and subtitle videos in English and Spanish directly related to the Orwellian times we're living nowadays. It does NOT mean that the creature lives forever.. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine does not contain any virus particles or living components, Keanna Ghazvini, a spokesperson for Pfizer, told USA TODAY in an email. This video is down. >>. Im pretty sure you want to believe that something this horrible wouldnt happen in real life. Shes then surprised to find its now becoming routine to screen all vaxxed patientswith heart issues for T. cruzi. This is the process of transferring genes and organisms from one species to another Epithelial cells are stem cell lineages responsible for cell signaling. It is just not a pathogen of humans.". But they're different. We Need to Reveal this information.. but I dont want to SCARE People!! ADDGenes lentiviral genome is delivered to a target cell upon infection using CRISPR gRNA. About a week went by, when, thinking I would throw it out, I took it from the side of the fridge and glanced at what was still in it. They are genetically modified in a lab in the University of Kiev.They are transfected. *What Dr. Love tells us in this interview is so important that I spent considerable time in creating this transcript.Please inform others of the key points in this video. Hydras are used in cross-species genomics. OUTRAGEOUS!! Proteins control gene expression. Regeneration and also the ability to remotely control something. All rights reserved. Theyre being genetically modified in a lab at the University of Kiev to produce transgenic clonal Hydra lines. This is precisely why were seeing freaky mutations and why doctors are removing blood clots with Hydra-like tentacles from teenagers! The human Malaria Genome Project developed at Stanford University, used CRISPR technology and bacterial plasmids which can replicate rapidly inside parasites. Hydras and parasites also serve as a reporter system. Hydra are there to create hybrid human beings. Due to the fact that patent filings do not reveal the components to Biotechs vaxxine ingredients, I began researching scientific peer-reviewed studies involving Hydra Vulgaris and parasites to see if I could identify why theyre being injected into humans. Did you think the Starlink satellite networks Precision Tracking Space System had something to do with defense? College of Biological Sciences 202 Green Hall Gold nanobots funded by Fauci, NIH & DARPA.They are targeting nerve cells & embryonic cells in humans. Ramola finds the three other cases of people reported in VAERS who were screened for this parasite (two teenagers and a 60-year-old) had all presented with heart problems after being vaxxed. DOES WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT! Get connected, join our Community of Patriots. Juliano hopes to solve some of those lingering questions and further establish the Hydra as a model organism for regenerative research. A team of scientists from UC Davis and Rice University were boasting back in July about manipulating the nervous system of Hydra vulgaris and humans to build a new brain from the bottom up, in order to control neural pathways and human behavior. This technology was developed over the last decade through the Human Brain Project. The newly established synthetic gene sequences are now shared between the transgenic Hydras, parasites and newly hybridized humans. The molecular details of the interactions were determined from crystal structures of Hy-Bcl-2-4 complexes with BH3 motif peptides of Hy-Bak1 and Hy-Bax. This means the Hydras are being genetically modified before theyre injected into humans. That same genetic program is activated after injury throughout the animal kingdom, but in some cases, instead of triggering scarring, it triggers regeneration and thus the missing body part is replaced.. But experts say this is nonsense. Almost three centuries later, this animals amazing The point Im making here is that the operating system is DNA-binding, downregulation, and upregulating genes using the transgenic Hydras, targeting human embryos and embryonic cells, leading to developmental alterations from binding genes to the Wnt/-catenin signaling pathway. Im also pretty sure you wont hear about this on any Corporate Mainstream Media . One of the questions she was asked was related to the end of the introduction of Hydra vulgaris, nanotechnology, and graphene to the human body, to which Dr. Madej answered with what she knows about them to date. The hydra have four to It is reported that they do not undergo senescence, making them biologically immortal[5] although this has been disputed. Hydras are primitive multicelullar animals. [7][8][9][10], This species can reproduce in three ways: sexual reproduction, budding, and indirectly through regeneration.[11]. They grow only about 0.4 inches (10 millimeters) long and eat I just think that we have these mad scientists, these psychopaths in charge, and they should not be in charge anymore. Electrodes attached to gold programmable nano robots transfect human cells, silencing your innate God-given genetic sequences and code your cells to reproduce the synthetic genetic sequence of the chimeric spike protein (Lentivirus), indefinitely. Versions of the claim suggest that the hydras are immortal and can infect the human body. [VIDEO]. They then bring the food to their mouth, ingest and digest the organism. In that study, scientists transfected Malaria parasites with Luciferase to use it for gene targeting and transgene expression in humans. She has an update for us on the now FOUR different kinds of parasite that have been imaged in the Pfizer and Moderna vials. For humans, its a fantasy pulled from science fiction, but for the Hydra (Hydra vulgaris), a small freshwater invertebrate, its a reality. Those in charge of the bioweapon will not be forthcoming about what they are doing and why theyre doing it. I hung on to that baggie of Britta specimens for years and often showed it to visiting friends, family, neighbors Skeptics, many of them, about conspiracy matters in general, but none of those who had seen the disturbing contents within that baggie could deny that what they were seeing was something out of a horror movie. Carrie Madejwho says she observed hydra-like objects or organisms in samples of a COVID-19 vaccine. Hydra vulgaris, the fresh-water polyp,[3] is a small animal freshwater hydroid with length from 10 mm to 30 mm and width about 1mm.[4]. Do you understand what this means? And that was shocking. A 2017 Gain-Of-Function research project from Germany, demonstrates how RNA extraction and quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction or reverse genetics, is used to knockout and knockdown genes using Hydras and CRISPR/Cas9. MORE NEWS: Fetterman Hasnt Been Seen For Weeks, Now The Dems Are Down A Second Senator 49-49. Ramola dives deeper into the transhumanist potentials of Hydra vulgaris and other Cnidaria species and other interesting findings in this most thorough report Ive yet seen on the topic. Ingestion and egestion occur through the mouth. This technology targets the cell organelles of the nuclei which store genetic information; mitochondria, which produce chemical energy; and ribosomes, which assemble proteins, using mRNA to make mitochondrial sequences. Disturbed, I switched to a new filter. Once inside the host cells cytoplasm, lipid-coated nanobots take the reverse transcriptase enzyme in the Lentivirus to produce DNA from the mRNA genome, the reverse of the usual pattern, thus retro. realize they are using about 12 different versions of the same jab. About 10 days later, That Thing (Hydra Vulgaris) was also identified in Pfizer vials by Dr. Every 20 days, the whole organism renews itself. Transgenic Hydras allow in vivo tracking of individual stem cells during morphogenesis (tissue and cell growth). Non-humans usually advance quickly. Most who found stuff in the vials can tell you, not all are contaminated, some are 100% NaCl, some have parasites, some have microchips in form of graphene bubbles (this is known technology). In industry it is useful as a bleaching agent for paper mills ( most of which used actual bleach destroying the environment) the effluent from CLO2 process is safe for animals and beneficial actually as it cleans the water supporting life.