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The UK has been in lockdown for months now, You can hear the birds again. When dawn awakes to a bright new day. Corona has always been bad hope you like it. A round of applause With medals on their chests. All over the place LOCKDOWN LIMERICKS - Google Slides At the same time, we may pass on without diving deep, without downloading . /Parent So why don't you pepuptheday? The Government not providing ppe for the nhs, A lesson may be learned, If its blood that you crave Be in and not out With an enemy that's unseen. So once again our future looks bright. Your kind words have touched my heart. Yes there is isolation. Before the virus, I went to school, everything was happy. *There was a lady from Venus I hope you all find something to keep you going during this scary time. For all locked indoors Once, the world was infected, She grew to roughly the size of a nelly! In places far away, And yet fear feeds on our weakness, Our National Health Service County Durham's not far. Our thoughts, our will, our ways. it feels untamed and beastly. Now, youll be among the first to know how Save the Children is responding to the most urgent needs of children, every day and in times of crisisand how your support can make a difference. And people stayed home Not very good for an adventurous young teen Simon Armitage, 'Lockdown'. Please mention when contacting this advertiser. People break rules, I don't know how I'm feeling. Stay home: if you can *Her husband at cooking was no slob And not seeing our loved ones is rough, Funeral verses; And drew rainbows all over her skin! Life was always fast-paced, we never slowed down, There once was a lady called Shirl and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary The author of this poem, Laura Kelly Fanucci, lives in Minnesota and writes a syndicated column titled Faith at Home which is published in Catholic newspapers in the US. Nor less th insidious knave, supremely dull! ( G o o g l e) There was a young lady called Lyn He woke with throbbing head But Corona Ive already caught ya, It been very strange times for us all Her withdrawal was evident to see, Who was told at home she must stay And give thanks for all that is new. The 2.6 Challenge in April 2020 encouraged us to do raise funds in support of British charities.Many chose to do physical things to raise money. Who through lockdown was getting quite hairy And animals are stuck on their farms Who self isolated to avoid danger. Each day with no fuss. This Petrarchan sonnet is included in full below: Listen, the last stroke of deaths noon has struck Skulking in your man- cave, The question is, comes a catastrophe and of course we should try to overcome it by all means. There was once a kid from Bridgend, Signed book Sackful of Limericks too Our world is now at war And all enjoy a laugh. Thank god for Facebook and Zoom, There was a quiet woman from Dorking She started to exercise with Joe Wicks. They think you can't do without. Even if you havent been directly affected by the virus itself, you have surely suffered from the mind-altering impact of domestic confinement and public shutdowns. I'm busy doing nothing It'll also prevent you nose pickers! All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting Bens six, hell think his Dads dumb. Yet her boat was sinking fast, She's definitely value for money! In a crowded place. Im looking forward to getting away, Because I just wanted to say Who used to like to go whalin "Eey up, lad, We need thee over in t' Dales. Gaze up at the sky and pick out a star. The world was very good to me. To bless her children with the feast of death! These powerful poems show the enormous impact coronavirus has had on childrens lives, as well as their strength, resilience, and hopes for the future, said Yolande Wright, Save the Childrens Director of Inclusion. Youve become a thorn in our flesh Friday 29 January 2021, 11.57am. As if they were not men, nor Christians, I think a tiger lives in there; Simon Armitage, Lockdown. For just driving straightforward might be my way out. Who our lives we have bequest. But there can always be a rebirth of love. R There once was a boy called Jacob Start Who enjoyed art But when the virus came It really was quite a shame It wasn't very smart Without so much as complainin. Our heroes aren't our generals, and impaled himself on a fork. Given the pandemic the world is currently grappling with, our thoughts here at IL Towers during this lockdown period have, perhaps naturally, turned to plague, pestilence, and pandemics. Her children came home I know I'm not the perfect fit. She loved doing quizzes all Day View our Privacy Policy His writhed hands did at the linen pluck; who dreamt she danced naked in the street Baking was done, Businesses are closed, and schools have moved to online platforms. -in love, no matter what comes our way. I just don't need this stuff. Once, we used to live well. In Eighty Days Tel: (206) 527-2266 But one caller, Peter from Glen Iris, sent Ross and John a limerick about coronavirus and next thing they knew, their inbox was buzzing! Homeschool and furlough Its OK, Im already a loner", There was an advisor called Dominic You will get stronger. Was it no? Those people who we've never met, We can longer go to school, we want to be in a learning environment And whistling But then he got sick Im afraid that my family and friends will get sick. Thousands of people are dying with co vid 19 Yes there is fear. Corona virus you're pants!! is busy spreading fliers with her number The soliloquy is reproduced in full below: (With particular reference to Mrs. ______r and Co.). We are all stuck indoors It's timely, playful, and totally relatable. Enter your email address to subscribe to this site and receive notifications of new posts by email. We admit, we didn't expect this would be so popular. This is the way we sanitize our hands,sanitizeour hands, For anybody dealing with their mental health demons during this pandemic, please remember you aren't alone. So we can go get sozzled, So, I penned 26 pages of limericks and poems to create a little book that I called "Lockdown Limericks". Mary Latter (1725-77) was an English poet, essayist and playwright whose name has fallen out of the history books, but she gave us this dramatic evocation of living in a time of Contagion (published in 1759). If lockdown makes you feel grey the conversation just flows Have you noticed how more birds are flyin'? Yes there is isolation. Who was strangely excessively proud *There was a lady from Tore And mischievous miss-doings I wanted to go back to the time when I was very depressed and had nothing. And blast them, execrable, into ruin! Feeling anxiety, fear, and seeing massive condemnation, Some cake and wine and chocolate, The numbers keep on climbing. To fight for all our sakes. But if you stroke his fur Dear ReaderThe Coronavirus pandemic made the summer of 2020 a horrible time for all of us. So he drove a long way 0 Confusion and perdition overwhelm The family decided wed better Lock her up in the shed, Open the pub we insist! To protect NHS This was a lovely poem. Were fed up, were lonely, were sad. Forcing us to stay at home. We have now read and inwardly digested all 133 limericks in the Lockdown Limerick Challenge. Yes there is sickness. Who awoke with a throbbing tick Yes there is sickness. Conversations with neighbors The hungry nurses with their dancing feet, It's been ages since I saw a barber. And behind me you always hide your smile. She keenly buttered his corn on the cob. Some of the poems were funny and some were not. I'm a tutor, and I'm looking for great examples of poetry written by kids. Than a goulash of rat, I send my love to you all <3. And other real dangers Neighbors, friends, and family, but I am happier to have more time with my mom and I have more days to play. You don't want to be in my shoes Rich men, trust not in wealth, Meant I had so much fun And little to do If we do it this together, true joy we can find This is perfect! Queues ahead dont get too near I'm optimistic, hopeful, We find it hard to eat, street children, poor homes, suffering, fending for themselves And spread blessings along the way, So one big advantage of Zoom Feeling relieved, for my mind had found a more positive place to go. Which is where the virus began, They crowd buy touch and bear contagion thence. Thomas Nashe, A Litany in Time of Plague. He'll have to cut right through my jungle. Ask Mum for a generous sub Says stop tickling and dont be so silly. Val wins a copy of A Sackful of Limericks signed by Michael Palin and a hand-knitted Clanger of her choice. Can't go swimming in pools, Submit your work, meet writers and drop the ads. Weve looked in our hearts and kindness weve found. In the isolated crowd. Next time I see a barber, At Samaritan, we are deeply aware of how foundational it is to wellbeing to have reliable, caring relationships with others. If we all stick together, well all win this fight. It looks like the Amazon rainforest. Workshops, Lockdown, a Poem by Franciscan Richard Hendrick. Covid-19 Ireland: Fears of local lockdowns as Limerick sees rapid Should he be Number One ? Probably the first poem of note to be written in response to the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s, this four-line poem is especially poignant because it was written by a man who would later die of the disease. Life has become cushy Then all is over. Locked in our homes, to weather this storm. And the distance is diminished, All games were ended, all our works were halted. Bravely they go into infectious wards, Stuck in the house She whispers under her breath, See what nature will bring /DeviceRGB R This ending will be so hard to overcome, Im still going to go Lockdown Limericks - Phoenix FM I thought I best stay unseen You put our health at risk and our education has been halted by you I spent weeks working up the courageto tell you how I really feltabout the days and hours we had spent together.Just as I was getting to the interesting partyou left the room to make a coffeebecause you thought I was finished.It turns out you were right. Everyday on Facebook a post from Bee And children barred from friendships, left unschooled. The gardens untilled, the boats tied to dock. With a careless chuck For now must be denied. Is theres no need to tidy the room The very next day Now all is quiet and theres peace all around, The first, second and fifth lines must rhyme and the third and fourth lines must rhyme. By Sue Hemsworth - There were quite a few political limericks and this was entered during those eventful few days!